
Senior 2-Jun.17th

1. Read & Write Unit 6  Laughter  Writing
- Reading Skills: Identifying Supporting Sentences and Details
=> A/p.127: Identify TS and two SS in paragraph 4 and 5
=> B/p.128: Identify TS, SS and D in paragraph 2 and 3
- Read-2-> Pair Read Par.2/3 and 4/5 aloud by turn with TS, SS/D and CS clearly.
- Shadow Reading Q Classroom
Blog Reference Reading from Q-Classroom
Music in Our Store : In our store, we change the music according to the age of our customers. Because we have older customers most of the day, we play slow, classical music. When we started playing slow music for our older customers, sales increased by 50%. Because after school we get a lot of teenagers, we change to pop music. The older customers quickly leave, but the teenagers spend about $1,000 a day. Late in the day, we want to close the store, so we change the music one last time. We play polka music and the young people leave in about five minutes.
=> Discuss What kind of store is it? What do they sell? Explain why.
What Do You Think?-2/p.126  Make a music plan for a business you want to own and run.
-> Write a TS: I want to use/play ~ music for my ~ business.
-> Refer to the questions=> Think of two SSs 
- Think of one or two details/examples about each SS. Use “it” as the subject.
=> Write a paragraph to explain a music plan for your business 
2. Cover to Cover Unit 8  Unit 8 Viewpoints   Part 1 Stereotypes
- Read w/CD =>WS Task-1 Read aloud Par. 2-3 => Worksheet
1. Stereotypes とは何か、どういうものであるのかについてPar.2-3を基に日本語で説明しなさい。
2. Pr-5: Stereotypes help us ~ It saves us time. を必要な補足をつけて日本語にしなさい。
3. Pr-6: They are usually ~ people as individuals. を日本語にしなさい。
- Task-2 1. 人々は、教育や知性に関係なく、人種偏見に陥りがちだ。(Par.4  tend to…)
People tend to engage in racial prejudice regardless of education or intelligence
2. 人々はそれとは気づかずに、見知らぬ人々を外見によって固定概念でとらわれるようになる。(Par.4 come to …)
 People come to stereotype strangers by their appearance without realizing it.
- Vocabulary and Expressions: (par.1) obvious  easily perceived or understood; clear, self-evident, or apparent: The solutions seem pretty obvious. It is ~ that a storm is coming. - obviously  (par.2) the other way around, match him up with (par.3) deal with, be based on, gender, form, obvious-obviously, prejudice, complex-complexity, move beyond, characteristics, (par.4) regardless of education, (par.4) sociology-sociologist, engage in, caregiver/caretaker, gender (par.5) complex-complexity, false vision, get to know others  (par.6) move beyond  
-What’s your Opinion?  Do you agree or disagree with the statement 4 and 5?=> Pair
=> Discuss Is stereotyping good or bad? Compare stereotype with prejudice and discrimination.
- What do you think of stereotyping people? Speak your answer in 60 seconds.
3. Tactics for Listening Unit 10 Keeping Fit
Getting Ready-> Voca: tighten muscles, do sit ups, do pushups, put on weight, lift weights, 
take up sth to adopt the study, practice, or activity of: ~ skiing, the piano
Listening-2   Explain what kind of exercise each person used to do and do now. => Pair 1/2, 3/4, 5/6
4. Interest of the Day  Blog Aerobic Video [ɛəˈroʊ bɪk] 

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