
Senior 2-Jun.28th

1. Read & Write Unit 7 Music  Reading-2 Music and Movies
- Vocabulary-> Dic tense (adj): ~ person/moment/meeting, is/gets/sounds ~
(n) form of verb to show time: the present/past tense 
- Read-1-> Details A, B
- Read-2-> Underline TS, Mark the key word(s), signal/key word(s) and Identify the SSs.
2. Fun of the Day: Star Wars: Theme Star Wars: Luke Skywalker  Star Wars without Williams (2:14)
  Fun of the Day-2 Top 10 Iconic Instrumental Film Scores (8:02)
- Read with Q Classroom-> Study Words/Expressions
(Par.2) Dic director  - a person or thing that directs, controls, or regulates: train ~  
- a member of the governing board of a company: ~ of the board 
- a person who directs the affairs of an institution, trust, educational program  
- the person responsible for the artistic and technical aspects of making a film or television program 
- (music) another word (esp US) for conductor (sense 2)
(par.5) musical instrument  percussion, woodwind. brass, strings   (keyboard) (drums)
(par.5) tense (adj): ~ person/moment/meeting, is/gets/sounds ~
(n) form of verb to show time: the present/past tense 
3. Cover to Cover Unit 8 Viewpoints   Part 2 All in a Day’s Work
- Read w/CD-> Read aloud Par.3-7
=> Task-2  six attitudes towards workについてそれぞれのsubheadingを日本語にし、その簡単な説明を各2文以内の日本語でまとめなさい。
=> What’s your Opinion/p.107-1, 2, 3  Pair Answer and explain each question in three sentences,
- Vocabulary: (par.1) common reasons  (par.2) it was common for sb to do  (Par.5) common view
(par.1) identify to recognize/establish as being a particular person or thing; verify the identity of: ~ handwriting; ~ the bearer of sth ; recognize, find, single-out  (par.2) job security, fit into this category frequent-frequency  
(par.5) priority  set priorities 
=> Pair What are the priorities when you look for a job?
=> Task-3
1. 最近のアジアの若者たちの調査によって、結婚についての様々な興味深い心構えが明らかになった。(Par.1)
A recent survey among young people in Asia revealed various interesting attitudes towards marriage.
2. その調査ではいくつかの顕著な優先度の違いが認められた。 (Par.1)
The research identified several distinctly different priorities.

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