

Eiken Lis-2nd 2018-1 
STT-Speaking Blog Review=>Speak 
Blog Over 40% of Chinese, 55% of Japanese, and nearly 70% of Korean students go to college or university despite the high cost and time to prepare for entrance exams and attend college/university for at least four years. Why is higher education, or post-secondary education so important? Speak your answer in 4-6 sentences.
Inside Reading-2 Unit 6  Reading-2   The Minnesota Starvation Experiment #2
- Study Words/Expressions
[P1-L4] embark  to board a ship/aircraft, to start a new project [L4] grueling  exhausting, very tiring or severe   [L8] the Allied forces-> ally, alliance  [P2-L11] Dic prospect  outlook for future, possibility, probability  [L13]dim; darkish, gloomy, depressing  [L13] serve in the military  [L14] conscientious objectors [kɒnʃiˈɛnʃəs] <-conscience  governed by or done according to conscience 
[P3-L25] discrete  separate or distinct in form or concept; individual, distinct => Corpus/p.95
[L37] substantial; large in amount/value/importance; big, large, considerable, significant; ~ amount of money, a ~ change, ~ numbers of, ~ meal  [L44]war-torn  severely damaged by a long war, especially between different groups from the same country  [L45] turnips, rutabagas <=カブ  [P4-54] expend  to spend, use up; ~ all efforts on sth -> expendable  [P5-L62] distinguish them from   [P7-L82] irritable and intolerant<- tolerant: able to accept  [L83] keep a journal [L93] introvert  a person who retreats mentally, very shy 
[L98] reduced coordination <-coordinate/p.95 => D/p.96
[L104] became an obsession – become obsessed   [P8-L107] sunken faces and bellies, protruding ribs (stick out) and swollen legs [ˈswoʊ lən] (enlarged/inflamed)=swelled (swell: become larger) [L113] withdraw  -pull back, retire/retreat, -to remove from deposit or investment in a bank  L114 succinct [səkˈsɪŋkt] expressed clearly in few words; concise.  [P9-L119] relevant  having direct bearing on the matter in hand; related/applicable -> relevance/relevancy  [P10-L133] relief workers  [L135] deprivation; sleep ~ <- deprive  to prevent from possessing or enjoying; [L136] paradigm  a pattern or model  [L139] Dic alter  to make different in some particular, as size, style, course, or the like; modify; ~ a coat/will/course [L140] predictability <- predict  to state or make a declaration about in advance; foretell
- Read aloud: Par.10
Read & Write-2 Unit 10  Writing  #2
- Review Reading Reading-1 => Blog How concerned are you, on a scale from 1, not concerned at all, and 10, extremely concerned (on a scale of one to ten)? Write your answer in 4-6 sentences.
Interest Invictus-Pre Study #1 Blog Nelson Mandela

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