
Senior 2-Oct.13th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-3 
Speak to Learn Unit 30  Unit 1  Direct-> Indirect:
- Reporting Blog Pair Read the Direct Speech=> Speak in the indirect speech STT
Read aloud by Section to learn words/expressions – Part 2
[One Way to Control Malaria]  L35 declined over time - to gradually become less, worse, or lower; lessen or weaken  - to refuse something  L37 ACT: artemisinin-based combination therapy
[Another Way to ~]  L40 get rid of; remove, discard, eliminate, dump, dispose of  L41 lay eggs (laid, laid) - to put sth down - to produce eggs from out of its body  L42 insecticide  L42 spray   L45 prevent ~ from -> prevention
[Problems Facing Control  L48 implement to start using a plan or system; start, carry out, put into action -> implementation  L50 be willing/unwilling to do  
L52 conflict with -> Corpus/p.23  ~ over/about, between, with, within-> D.
-> Read aloud Par.7: It is very difficult ~ => STT
L53 health ministries           L54 medical practitioner-> A/p.22  L55 labor/labour (v) (n) -work - people who work: ~ force, union -> E/p.23  L58 offer a solution   L68 a decline in
-> Read aloud Par.8: There are other ~ => STT
Interest - Malaria by National Geographic (3:00)               - The malaria cycle (1:20)
- Blog malaria [məˈleər·i·ə] is a mosquito-borne disease caused by a parasite. People with malaria often experience fever, chills, and flu-like illness. Left untreated, they may develop severe complications and die. In 2016 an estimated 216 million cases of malaria occurred worldwide and 445,000 people died, mostly children in the African Region. The vast majority of cases in the United States are in travelers and immigrants returning from countries where malaria transmission occurs, many from sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia.
=> Speak what malaria is about in 60 sec.

Read & Write Unit 1  Writing #2
Grammar: Simple Present and Present Continuous<- now/at the moment, longer actions, these days
- Blog Describe a trend such as in cars, food, clothes, music, movies, sports, games, social network, mobile device, apps, SNS, or tools that interests you. Then explain why it’s (getting or going to be) popular in five to eight sentences.
trend a general direction in which a situation is changing or developing. : economical/social ~s, growing ~ towards …, current ~ in …, upward/downward ~, set a new ~
popular: liked or enjoyed by a large number of people: ~ singer/music/design, getting ~
fad: things people are interested in for a short period of time
- Plan: Choose a Trend -> Answer the questions B. 1-4: What, How, Why, How?
Start with a topic sentence including your topic/subject and controlling idea.(<= Writing Skill) 
Use some of the answers from 1~4/p.19-20. Also, refer to the Grammar/p.18, Sample Text/p.18

Try These!: Present Simple and Present Continuous, Present Perfect (Continuous) 

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