Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-2
Speak to Learn Unit 31 Unit 1
- G&C-1.1 => Pair What language is spoken in ~? => I think ~ is … / I don’t know what … Please let me know what
- G&C-1.3-> made of/from/with
=> Pair What is ~ made from/of/with? => I think ~ is … / I don’t know what … Please let me know what …
Inside Reading Unit 2 Medicine Reading 2 Searing for New Medicines #4
[A modern miracle drug] L48 taxol L51 unnatural cell growth of cancer L52 taxol was being used in intensive treatment for …
[Rainforests] L54 testing them for possible medical use L55 access to=> Corpus/p.31=> D. L56 rapidly disappearing <-rapid L57 logging companies <-log L58 commercial developers L59 the priorities of ~ conflict with …
- Read aloud [Searching the Rainforests] => STT
[Will cure be lost] L63 rainforests are being destroyed
[The search is on] L73 promising anti-cancer drugs -showing signs of future success or achievement; hopeful, encouraging: a ~ career L75 accompanied by=> A/p.30 L75 cooperatively-> cooperate; aid, assist, collaborate, help -> Thank you for your cooperation. => Corpus/p.32
L80 chemically identical Dic exactly the same, or very similar: The test is identical to the one you took last year. I've got three identical blue suits. The two rooms were virtually identical.
- Vocabulary Activity B/p.30 Review the words learned in Reading 1 and 2. => STT
Read & Write Unit 2 Reading 1 #2
- Listen and Read Par.1~2 -> Study [Par.1] affect (v)-effect (n), unaware of<- aware of, emotion-emotional, [Par.2] universal done by or involving all; worldwide, global, ubiquitous, common, broad: ~ problem, the problem is ~, true or right at all times/all places: ~ fact
represent act/speak for sb; ~ sth/sb, be example of; ~ sth, ~ the views, be equal to; ~ 20% of sth -> representation-representative, - to express or designate by some term, character, symbol; show, describe, suggest
- Listen and Read Par.3~4 -> Study [Par.3] heal an illness [Par.4] royalty for
- Listen and Read Par.5~6 -> Study [Par.5] vary from specific (Par.5) precise; ~ instructions, to be ~, particular; ~ purpose, a ~ age group
=>Blog What do you think-2: What are some examples of colors with special meanings in your culture?
=> Write 5-8 sentences in response. Make sure to clarify your response (opinion) and explain with example(s).
Interest Blog Henley Index: Japan’s passport most powerful
=> Where or which country do you want to visit for your first trip by yourself? Why?