Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-1
BW-Voca in Use Unit 28-Unit 2 VIU-1
BW-Review U nit 28 Unit 2
- G&C—3.1,2,3> Ex3.1=> Pair Have you got a boyfriend/girlfriend? A smartphone?
- G&C—3.4,5> Ex3.2=> Pair How d
BW-Practice Unit 28 Unit 2
- KC=> Speak the answers=> STT=> Correct=> Gmail
- Writing-> Speak what you did in the morning, afternoon, you are doing now, you haven’t done, you’ve got to do. => STT=> Correct=> Gmail
Cover to Cover Unit 6 Part 2 A Cure for Aging?
- Read->Grammar: Underline conditional sentences (if) to recognize the tense difference.
-> Read aloud/Par.-2~4, 5=> Why different tenses?
-> Discuss why different Conditional Types are used?
(Pr-4) He(Dr. Grey) thinks if people live that long(till 1,000 years old), they will work hard to …
(Pr-5) They (many people) say that even if we could increase ~, it would not be …
☆ If I’m elected (the) Prime Minister, I will cut the spending by 25%. <= Candidate
If I were (the) Prime Minister, I wouldn’t raise the tax any longer. <= You
- Read aloud Par.5=> WS Communication Task-1
Pr-5: However, many people ~ for that long. を、Dr. Greyの主張とその反論を200語以内で要約しなさい。
Interest Airbus A380 cabin
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