- Read aloud Intro/Par.1, Problems with Bacteria, Benefits of Bacteria-> Check the understanding
[L2] look through a microscope [L3] react to act in response to an agent or influence; respond, act, answer: the audience reacted to the speech - reaction [L13] filled with bacteria [L14] harm [hɑrm] (v) to do or cause harm to; injure; damage; hurt: ~ sb, ~one's reputation/environment (n) physical injury or mental damage; hurt: cause sb any/no ~, do serious ~ to sb/sth -> harmful to the environment [L16] exist to have actual being; be: The world ~s, whether you like it or not. -to continue to be or live: Belief in magic still~s. Hunger ~s in the world. -existence [L17] the environment [L22] effect on - sth produced by a cause or agent; result, reaction, outcome - power or ability to influence or produce a result; influence, power, effectiveness: with no effect [L23] harmful causing or capable of causing harm; bad, damaging, destructive, injurious : ~ ide, ~ to the environment <-> harmless
Problems with Bacteria [L25] germs [dʒɜrm] a microorganism, especially when disease-producing; microbe. [L25] cause (n) a person, thing, event, state, or action that produces an effect : What was the ~ of the accident? (v) to be the cause of; bring about. [L26] cholera [ˈkɒl ər ə] tuberculosis [tʊˌbɜr kyəˈloʊ sɪs] [L28] infect to affect or contaminate a person, organ, wound, with disease-producing germs. -> infection infectious disease [L28] digestive system <- digest [dɪ/daiˈdʒɛst] - to subject (food) to a process of digestion; absorb, assimilate - to assimilate mentally : ~ a pamphlet on nuclear waste. [L28] suffer [L29] transfer from A to B-> Corpus
[L30] lungs [L31] sneeze [L32] proceed> Corpus [L35] prevent to keep from occurring; avoid, block, stop: He intervened to ~ bloodshed. -to stop from doing something: Nothing to ~ us from going. [L36] for instance,
Benefits of Bacteria [L41] vitamin [L45] break down
-> Read L44~L55 => Explain in Japanese => Check in Group
- Topic of the Day How Bacteria Rule Over Your Body – The Microbiome (7:38)
=> Group Explain the three kinds of bacteria
Read & Write Unit 2 Color Reading 2 The Importance of Color in Business
- Listen and Read Par.1~2 -> Study [Par.1] notice [Par.2] serious, dependable<- depend - to rely; place trust: ~ on the accuracy of the report. - to rely for support, maintenance, help: Children ~ on their parents.
- Listen and Read Par.3~5-> Study [Par.4] reliable<- rely, [Par.5] establish, respond to-> response
- Shadowing
- What do you think? A-2. Blog Pair Imagine that you’re designing a new restaurant. What restaurant do you want to run? What colors you would use for the restaurant to encourage people to eat at your restaurant? Why? Speak your answer with two supporting explanations and examples/details.
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