Blog Review the paragraph to answer the question, “How much vacation do you need?” in page 97.
2. Cover to Cover Unit 6 Science Part 2 The Science of Weather Prediction
-> Read w/CD-> Read aloud: Par.4, 6
=> Task-2 1. (Pr-4, 6) 我々は来週どのような天気になるのか、未だ不確かである
We are still unsure of/as to what the weather is going to be like next week.
2. (Pr-6) 最新の技術を持ってしても、1週間先の天気を予想精度は未だにそれほど信頼できるものではない。
The accuracy of predicting the weather for a week in advance isn’t so reliable yet even with the latest technology available.
- Check Vocabulary - military/election campaign, bank of the river, release, on the way, dazzling - accurate-accuracy, inaccurate-inaccuracy - predict-prediction, - observe-observation-observational, observatory, observer
-> Read w/CD-> Shadow Reading Par. 3, 4
=> What do you think? TBD
3. Tactics for Listening Tactics for Listening 2e Unit 8 Mishaps
[ˈmɪshæp, mɪsˈhæp] an unfortunate accident; accident, misfortune: a series of ~s, managed to do without ~,
Getting Ready: Pair Match each mishap on the left with the solution on the right.
clog to hinder or obstruct with thick or sticky matter; choke up, block, congest,: to ~ a drain. (n) blockage
Listening-1: Explain what mishap people are talking. => Pair 1~2, 3~4, 5~6
Listen-3: Describe what each person’s mishap is in three to four sentences. Speak in reported speech.
=> Ind. Speech Talk about a mishap you or someone made. Explain why and how it happened and what the person did to recover from the mishap.
4. Interest of the Day Very Funny cat mishaps video (1:09)
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