Write a paragraph giving reasons - Writing-2
Review Writing-1: your response to either of the letter in Reading-2 in four to six sentences.
- Blog Study another paragraph from Q-Skills: Vacations Are Important
Everyone needs to take yearly vacations. Vacations bring families together and improve our society. They help workers become more productive because they reduce their stress level. Finally, everyone has a right to an enjoyable life, and vacations are an important part of enjoying life. Everyone needs to take a vacation at least once a year. (55 words)
=> Write a paragraph to answer the question, “How much vacation do you need?” in page 97.
Support the Topic Sentence with two or three reasons and write a concluding sentence.
2. Cover to Cover Unit 6 Science Part 1 Being Cute to Survive
- Reading-2 w/CD -> Read aloud: Par.3-6
・WS Task-1 1. Par. 3 While we tend to admire ~ things inspire in us. を日本語にしなさい
2. Paragraph 4 を要約しなさい。
3. Paragraph 6 を要約しなさい。
- Study Vocabulary: quality, share, (par.3) tend to=tendency for/to do/towards sth,
inspire, facial features (par.4) need-neediness, steady-unsteady movement, add up, get by, ensure innocence-innocent free from moral wrong; without sin; pure: ~ children.
vulnerable to capable of being physically or emotionally wounded or hurt, need-neediness, steady-unsteady movement, add up, get by, ensure
・Task-2 Write in English
- (Pr-3) 一部の人々に満足を感じさせることは、他の人々に幸せを感じさせることと必ずしも同じではない。
What makes some people feel satisfied isn’t always the same as what makes the others feel happy.
・Task-3 Prepare and speak out: What’s Your Opinion? - A
- Pair Ask & Answer the questions
- Discuss which animals make you feel more affected than others? Explain why you feel so.
=> Read with CD => Shadow Reading Par. 3-4
3. Tactics for Listening Unit 7 Air Travel
Getting Ready Check the words: customs form, headset, aisle seat, overhead compartment/bin
Listening-1: Find the instructions the flight attendant is giving.
Listening-3=> Explain what each person’s flight was like in 60 sec. Pair 1/2, 3/4
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