How are you doing?
It's Thursday, May 4, 2017.
It's a beautiful Greenery Day.
How are you enjoying the holiday?
How are you enjoying the holiday?
Are you confident about telling a direction in English?
It's not difficult once you get used to the phrases to use.
Whenever you have a chance, try as hard as you can!
The next speaker is Momoka.
Get ready for your speech!
*個人面談始まります!Come to @7:30 when you have a meeting!
< Lesson review>
Small talk
Deep Listening Lesson 5 Directions
Bridge Work
Chapter 36 Unit 1
Vocabulary in Use #2 認識、比較などに関することば
Workbook page 104
Chapter 36 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2 Countable and uncountable nouns
Exercise-2 #1-a, and 1-b
Grammar and Communication-2 Comparison with countable nouns
Enjoy the holiday!
See you on Wednesday!
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