
Senior 2-May 31st

1. Read & Write Unit 6  Reading-1  What is Laughter?
- Reading Skills: Identifying the Topic Sentence in a paragraph -> A/p.107
- Read-> Underline TS in each paragraph Part-2, 3, 4=> Answers to the four questions!
- Study Words/Expressions: 
=> Shadow Reading
2. Cover to Cover Unit 7  Intelligence  Part 1  What is Intelligence
- Intelligent Quotient (IQ) : a measurement of a person’s intelligence
- Comprehension Strategy: Identifying Main Ideas and Details => Read the first para.-> Task-A:MI
- Read => Checking Comprehension 
- Skim: First sentence of each paragraph-> Understand the structure
- Par. 1-3: Introduction of the theory of Multiple Intelligence
- Par. 4-6: Examples of MI
- Par. 7-8: Supporters and non-supporters of MI
- Par. 9: Closing
- Read w/CD=> Read aloud Par. 1-3, 7-8
- Looking at Vocabulary in Context-A, B 
Dic determine decide/conclude  - by authority; resolve, rule; 
- after observation/consideration; discover, find out
-> determined to do sth: I’m ~ to succeed. -determinedly, determining
Dic aptitude  natural ability/skill at doing sth; have/show a natural ~ for sth/-ing, ~ test
3. Interest of the Day
        The Remains Of The Day (1:29) =>How does it sound?
Posh English-Examples (1:45)
How Donald Trump Answers A Question (6:53) => Donald Trump in Posh Accent 


Junior 3-May 29th

1. Review Practice 
1. When I saw the math test, I thought it would be easy. I found it much more difficult than I thought.
2. I haven’t watched Beauty and Beast movie yet. I wonder if it’s as interesting as my friend said. 
2. 基礎英語-3 
Lesson-27: What’s Gary Keller talking in the show?
Lesson-28 What did Tsutomu say?
3. Bridge Work-3 Chapter 29-Unit 2 #3
- Review Activity: Ex-2.4 Cindy, Ron Read aloud-> TTS Shadowing
- Ex-2.4 Danny & Arnie, Aunt Barbara, It was Answer-> Read aloud-> TTS
- GIU #2: Ron’s been having a hard time => Pair
- KC
- Writing: Blog P2Q Writing Test 
1. Answer.   2-1. Reason-1 -> 2-2. Explain/Example
3-1. Reason-2 -> 3-2. Explain/Example 4. Conclusion.
Question: Do you think people should exercise regularly?
1. I think people should exercise regularly. There are two reasons.
2-1. First, regular exercise is good for our health.  2-2. We can make a strong body and become healthier.
3-1. Second, regular exercise is good for our mind. 3-2. For example, we can refresh ourselves by doing yoga. 
4. For these reasons, regular exercise is good for health. (53 words)
=> Writing Do you think students should take part in club activities at school? 
- U-2 VIU-2: Listen to CD-> Practice with TTS-> Check Words/Expressions
4. Lesson Review 
1. Don’t remind me of that. I’ll do it when I finish my dinner.
2. Aunt Barbara hasn’t slept enough since she came to England. 
3. Have you introduced Jennifer to your mom yet? Yes. She has come to our house once. Mom was nervous. 

Lesson Report Senior-1 May 27th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday, May 29, 2017.
It's sunny and warm today.

What is the reason you need to learn English?
You need to learn English because more and more people all over the world use English for their studies or business.
If you want to communicate with many people or learn more about what you are interested in, you should work hard on learning English!

Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers on Saturday.
The next speaker is Ayana. Put up photos or videos for your presentation!
Get ready for your speech!

*個人面談=> Minori  Come to @7:30 when you have a meeting!

< Lesson review>
Small talk

基礎英語 3 Lessons 25-28
Say and write the summary of the week

Bridge Work 
Chapter 37 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-3  because/as/since
Vocabulary in Use #1  機会や仕事などに関することば

Have a great week!
See you on Wednesday!



Senior 2-May 27th

1. Read & Write Unit 5 Vacation  Writing: Write a paragraph giving reasons - Writing-2
Blog Review the paragraph to answer the question, “How much vacation do you need?” in page 97.
2. Cover to Cover Unit 6 Science   Part 2 The Science of Weather Prediction
-> Read w/CD-> Read aloud: Par.4, 6
=> Task-2 1. (Pr-4, 6) 我々は来週どのような天気になるのか、未だ不確かである
We are still unsure of/as to what the weather is going to be like next week.
2. (Pr-6) 最新の技術を持ってしても、1週間先の天気を予想精度は未だにそれほど信頼できるものではない。
The accuracy of predicting the weather for a week in advance isn’t so reliable yet even with the latest technology available.
- Check Vocabulary - military/election campaign, bank of the river, release, on the way, dazzling - accurate-accuracy, inaccurate-inaccuracy - predict-prediction, - observe-observation-observational, observatory, observer
-> Read w/CD-> Shadow Reading Par. 3, 4
=> What do you think?  TBD
3. Tactics for Listening Tactics for Listening 2e Unit 8 Mishaps  
[ˈmɪshæp, mɪsˈhæp] an unfortunate accident; accident, misfortune: a series of ~s, managed to do without ~, 
Getting Ready: Pair Match each mishap on the left with the solution on the right. 
clog  to hinder or obstruct with thick or sticky matter; choke up, block, congest,: to ~ a drain.  (n) blockage
Listening-1: Explain what mishap people are talking. => Pair 1~2, 3~4, 5~6
Listen-3: Describe what each person’s mishap is in three to four sentences. Speak in reported speech. 
=> Ind. Speech Talk about a mishap you or someone made. Explain why and how it happened and what the person did to recover from the mishap.

4. Interest of the Day  Very Funny cat mishaps video (1:09)


Junior 3-May 25th

1. Review Practice 
1. Fred told us he would make a show and tell but he didn’t.
2. Have you ever watched a 3-D movie? Yes, I have. I’ve seen one once. It wasn’t as great as I thought.
3. Have you ever been to China? No, I haven’t. I’d like to go there some day.
2. 基礎英語-3 
3. Bridge Work-3 Chapter 29-Unit 2 #1
- Review Activity: Ex-2.3 been abroad/to ~, eaten/cooked/played/tried/cooked/got on ~
- Ex-2.4: -> Practice Ron, Cindy with TTS=> Repeat 
(Next Practice=>) Danny & Arnie, Aunt Barbara, It was … with TTS=> Repeat
- Key Communication
- VIU #1: Ron’s been having a hard time 
- U-2 VIU-2: Listen to CD-> Practice Pronunciation-> Write Answers-> Practice with TTS
4. Lesson Review 
1. When I saw the math test, I thought it would be easy. I found it much more difficult than I thought.
2. I haven’t watched Beauty and Beast movie yet. I wonder if it’s as interesting as my friend said. 
3. Have you ever tried the new iPhone? Not yet. I’d like to try it if I have a chance.

Lesson Report Senior-1 May 24th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, May 25, 2017.
It's raining and chilly today.

The practice yesterday was so difficult that most of you had a hard time to make sentences.
It was such difficult practice that many of the students needed long time to work on.
The practice yesterday was too hard for most of you to finish in time.
Hope you understood how those forms work!

Our speaker yesterday was Saya.
She talked about her best memories in junior high school.
She talked about her best friend this time. She showed us some nice photos.
The next speaker is Minori. Put up photos or videos for your presentation!
Get ready for your speech!

*個人面談=> Mana  Come to @7:30 when you have a meeting!

< Lesson review>
Small talk

Deep listening Lesson 8  Signs of restaurants

Bridge Work 
Chapter 37 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  so/such ... that ...
Exercise-1 #1 Review practice
Grammar and Communication-2  both/either/neither, all/none
Vocabulary in Use #1  機会や仕事などに関することば
=> Practice the words in the chart (No sentences completed)

Enjoy the rest of the week!
See you on Saturday!



Senior 2-May 24th

1. Read & Write Unit 5 Vacation  Reading-2  Vacation from School: Letters to the Editor
Blog Review T’s comment: your response to either of the letter in Reading-2 in four to six sentences.
☆mostly well-structured. Better with more explanation or examples. Specify which point you agree with. “things that they can’t normally do/during school days” => Revise in 5 minutes.
Blog Study another paragraph from Q-Skills: Vacations Are Important
=> Write a paragraph to answer the question, “How much vacation do you need?” in page 97.
Support the Topic Sentence with two or three reasons and write a concluding sentence.
2. Cover to Cover Unit 6 Science   Part 2 The Science of Weather Prediction
-> Skim-1: Par.1, 8-> Task-A-> Skim-2: 1st Sentences=> Check Task-1
- Read-> Checking Comprehension
- Expanding Vocabulary: worry, dazzle, predict, observe-observation-observatory, rely, accurate
Dic predict  to declare/indicate in advance, foretell on the basis of observation, experience, or scientific reason: The local forecaster is ~ing rain for this afternoon. She claims that she can ~ future events. It's hard to ~ how the election will turn out.
-> Read w/CD-> Read aloud: Par. 5, 6 =>WS Task-1 
1. (Par.5) Scientists also collect ~ the upper atmosphere. を日本語にしなさい
2. Paragraph 6を日本語で説明しなさい。
3. - Interest of the Day Forecast-Tourists  CNN Weather  Weather-US Election Day


Junior 3-May 22nd

1. Review Practice 
1. The Shinano River is 367 km long and the longest river in Japan. 
(Jr-3E) It goes through Gunma, Nagano and Niigata prefectures.
2. Have you ever been to Oxford? No. I’ve never been there before. But I’ve been to London once. 
(Jr-3E) I went there to meet my aunt two years ago. 
2. 基礎英語-3 Review Shadowing Lesson 21, 22
3. Bridge Work-3 Chapter 29-Unit 2 #2
- Review Activity: Ex-2.2 (6)~(10)
- G&C-2-> Ex-2.1 -> Ex-2.2=> Ex-2.3: been abroad/to ~, eaten/cooked/played/tried/cooked/got on ~
- U-2 VIU-1: Listen to CD-> Practice with TTS-> Check Words/Expressions
4. Lesson Review 
1. Fred told us he would make a show and tell but he didn’t.
2. Have you ever watched a 3-D movie? Yes, I have. I’ve seen one once. It wasn’t as great as I thought.
3. Have you ever been to China? No, I haven’t. I’d like to go there some day.

Lesson Report Senior-1 May 20th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday, May 22, 2017.
It's like summer today.

Are you interested in exploring the Mississippi River someday?
Where do you want to explore if you had time and money?

Our speaker on Saturday was Nanaha.
She talked about World Heritage sites.
She has been to several sites so far.
She has been interested in them since she first did research about them when she was in the fourth grade.  
The next speaker is Saya. Put up photos or videos for your presentation!
Get ready for your speech!

*個人面談始まります!Come to @7:30 when you have a meeting!

< Lesson review>
Small talk

Lessons 21-24
Activity-1:Deciding where and when to meet to visit somewhere
Activity-2:Practice to describe situations 

Bridge Work 
Chapter 36 Unit 2
Vocabulary in Use #2  争いなどに関することば
Workbook page 106

Have an awesome week!
See you on Wednesday!



Senior 2-May 20th

1. Read & Write Unit 5 Vacation  Writing: 
Write a paragraph giving reasons - Writing-2
Review Writing-1: your response to either of the letter in Reading-2 in four to six sentences.
- Blog Study another paragraph from Q-Skills: Vacations Are Important
Everyone needs to take yearly vacations. Vacations bring families together and improve our society. They help workers become more productive because they reduce their stress level. Finally, everyone has a right to an enjoyable life, and vacations are an important part of enjoying life. Everyone needs to take a vacation at least once a year.   (55 words) 
=> Write a paragraph to answer the question, “How much vacation do you need?” in page 97.
Support the Topic Sentence with two or three reasons and write a concluding sentence.
2. Cover to Cover Unit 6 Science   Part 1 Being Cute to Survive
- Reading-2 w/CD -> Read aloud: Par.3-6
・WS Task-1 1. Par. 3  While we tend to admire ~ things inspire in us. を日本語にしなさい
2. Paragraph 4 を要約しなさい。
3. Paragraph 6 を要約しなさい。
- Study Vocabulary: quality, share, (par.3) tend to=tendency for/to do/towards sth, 
inspire, facial features (par.4) need-neediness, steady-unsteady movement, add up, get by, ensure  innocence-innocent  free from moral wrong; without sin; pure: ~ children. 
vulnerable to  capable of being physically or emotionally wounded or hurt,  need-neediness, steady-unsteady movement, add up, get by, ensure
・Task-2 Write in English
- (Pr-3) 一部の人々に満足を感じさせることは、他の人々に幸せを感じさせることと必ずしも同じではない。
What makes some people feel satisfied isn’t always the same as what makes the others feel happy.
・Task-3 Prepare and speak out: What’s Your Opinion? - A
- Pair Ask & Answer the questions
- Discuss which animals make you feel more affected than others? Explain why you feel so.
 => Read with CD => Shadow Reading Par. 3-4
3. Tactics for Listening Unit 7 Air Travel
Getting Ready  Check the words: customs form, headset, aisle seat, overhead compartment/bin 
Listening-1: Find the instructions the flight attendant is giving. 
Listening-3=> Explain what each person’s flight was like in 60 sec. Pair 1/2, 3/4


Junior 3-May 18th

1. Review Practice Check
1. I remember my first time to eat ~. I’ve loved it/them since I ate it for the first time.
2. How long has Jennifer known Ron? She has known him since she entered Ocean High School.
3. Fred said he would do his homework that night.
4. I like cooking. => So do I.
  But I don’t like washing the dishes. => Neither do I.
2. 基礎英語-3 Review Shadowing Lesson 15,16
Lesson-21: Let’s meet on/at …
Lesson-22: The Mississippi River/The Shinano River
3. Bridge Work-3 Chapter 29-Unit 2 #1
- Review Activity: Reporting=> Pair 
- G&C-1-> Ex-1.1a=> Pair 1b 
-> Ex-1.2 Pair (1)~(5) => Pair (6)~(10) => Report Blog 
- U-2 VIU-1: Listen to CD-> Practice Pronunciation-> Write Answers-> Practice with TTS
4. Lesson Review 
1. The Shinano River is 367 km long and the longest river in Japan. It goes through Gunma, Nagano and Niigata prefectures.
2. Have you ever been to Oxford? 
No. I’ve never been there before. But I’ve been to London once. I went there to meet my aunt two years ago. 

Lesson Report Senior-1 May 17th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, May 18, 2017.
It's mostly sunny today.

Do you read books?
If you are too busy to read books, you can find a short time to read a book.
If you have time to read books, do you enjoy reading books?
In my opinion, you can learn a lot from books!

The speaker yesterday was Kota.
His topic of this year's speech is America.
He talked about the overview of American history.
Hope some of you became interested in learning it!
The next speaker is Sora.
Get ready for your speech!

*個人面談始まります!Come to @7:30 when you have a meeting!

< Lesson review>
Small talk

Deep listening Lesson 7 
Activity: Do you read books? Why? Why not?

Bridge Work 
Chapter 36 Unit 2
Vocabulary in Use #2  争いなどに関することば
Chapter 37 Unit 1
Grammar and Communication-1  so/such … that
Exercise-1 #1
#2 Oral practice in pairs
=> Write your own sentences using such/so ... that ...

Enjoy the rest of the week!
See you on Saturday!



Senior 2-May 17th

1. Read & Write Unit 5 Vacation  Reading-2  Vacation from School: Letters to the Editor
- Vocabulary Skills: Compound Nouns-> A, B
- Study Voca/Expression: average (n) (adj)  compete; ~ in a race; in business - competition   
experience (v) (n) UC: knowledge/skill gained,  C: an event/activity that affects; an exciting/unusual ~, quite an ~  discover-discovery 
- Shadow Reading Q-Skills Yes to a longer school year
Writing: Write a paragraph giving reasons - Writing-1
- Grammar: Sentence with because-> A/p.96=> B/p.96 => Pair
- Writing Skill: Using correct paragraph structure/p.94-95 <= ☆ Using Time Order Words/p.74
=>Blog Write your response to either of the letter in Reading-2 in four to six sentences.
2. Cover to Cover Unit 6 Science   Part 1 Being Cute to Survive
- Introduction: Giant Panda, Doraemon, Kitty,  Penguins,
- Comprehension Strategy: Summarizing-> Read Par.1, 8-> Par.2, 7-> Skim Par.3-6=> Task-A
- Reading-1 => Check Task-A => Checking Comprehension (Underline the answers)
- Reading-2 w/CD -> Read aloud: Par.3-6
- Vocabulary in Context 
Dic enthrall [ɛnˈθrɔl]; to captivate, charm, enchant, fascinate, intrigue; ~ the audience-> -ing play
Dic vulnerable (weak and easily hurt) open to attack, defenseless, exposed; ~ to attack/diseases, ~ part
- vulnerability; physical/mental/financial ~, 
get by  - succeed in going past: ~ a barricade  - manage to exist, survive, continue in biz despite difficulties.


Junior 3-May 15th

1. Review Practice Check
1-1. Danny is 45 years old. He looks older than he is.
1-2. Tokyo Sky Tree was built in 2012. It’s the tallest tower in the world.
2-1. I got home late this afternoon. -> So did I.
2-2. I didn’t have time to eat dinner. -> Neither did I.
2-3. I haven’t eaten anything since lunch. -> Neither have I.
2-4. I’m starving. -> So am I.
2. 基礎英語-3 Review Shadowing Lesson 13, 14
Lesson-19: a place to hold games
Lesson-20: remember my first time … I’ve loved ~ since.
3. Bridge Work-3 Chapter 29-Unit 1 #
- Review Activity: Ex-3.1, 2  Pair
- Review Reading GIU with TTS-> Group Read like Speaking; Jenn, Ron-1, Ron-2
- KC: Speak=> Write
- Reporting: Speak=> Write in the Textbook.
- U-1 VIU-2: Listen to CD-> Practice with TTS-> Check Words/Expressions
4. Lesson Review 
1. I remember my first time to eat ~. I’ve loved it/them since I ate it for the first time.
2. How long has Jennifer known Ron? She has known him since she entered Ocean High School.
3. Fred said he would do his homework that night.
4. I like cooking. => So do I.
  But I don’t like washing the dishes. => Neither do I.


Lesson Report Senior-1 May 13th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Sunday, May 14, 2017.
It's overcast today.

Do you want to get an Echo by Amazon?
Would you get one if it's available in Japan?
Did you understand what they were talking in the video?
If you want to be good at listening, why don't you listen to Kiso-eigo every day?
You need to learn English from sounds if you want to speak English in the future.
And, you NEED to speak English in your future!!

The next speaker is Kota.
Get ready for your speech!

*個人面談始まります!Come to @7:30 when you have a meeting!

< Lesson review>
Small talk

基礎英語 Lessons 17-20

Bridge Work 
Chapter 36 Unit 2
Vocabulary in Use #1  人類の歴史などに関することば
Chapter 36 Unit 2
Workbook page 105

Video learning : Echo by Amazon

Have a great week!
See you on Wednesday!



Senior 2-May 13th

1. Read & Write Unit 4 Positive Thinking   
- Vocabulary-> Dic discover-discovery, relax-relaxing-relaxed, bore-boring-bored
- Listen Q-Skills=> Main Ideas, Details-A
- Read-1-> Main Ideas, Details-A-> Study the structure: How is the MI supported? -> Details-B=> Pair
- WDT-B.1 Are long summers necessary for children? Speak your answer in three to five sentences.
2. Cover to Cover Unit 5 Sports  Part 2 Fans or Fanatics?
- Study Vocabulary 
 - Dic demonstrate to show/prove by reasoning/evidence; show, exhibit, prove: ~ a philosophical principle
- fanatic-fanatical: enthusiast, extremist
- Dic define to state precisely the meaning of (words, terms, etc) -> definition 
WS Task-3 Write in English.
1. (Par.4) ある文化における社会的(に認められている)な振舞いが、他の文化で必ずしも容認されるとは限らない。
Social behavior in one culture isn’t always considered acceptable in another culture.
2. (Par.8)今日の競争市場では、より多くの人々が買物をする前に価格を比べるためにインターネットで調べることは、
驚くにはあたらないでしょう。 (look up, should not be)
3. Tactics for Listening Unit 6 Unit 6  Gifts
Getting Ready: Pair What was the last gift you were given? Who gave it to you? For what occasion?
Listening-1: Check the items; bracelet, teapot, keychain 
Listening-3: Take notes and describe what the item each sales clerk recommends is like.


Junior 3-May 11th

1. Review Practice
1. I’ve studied English since I became a Junior High student. I’ve studied English for two years. I speak a little English.
2. How many book have you read so far this year? -> I’ve read only a few books. I don’t think I’ll read many more books this year. I’m too busy studying to read books.
2. 基礎英語-3
Review Shadowing Lesson 15,16
Lesson-17  is/look younger/older/taller (than I thought/he is)
Lesson-18  was built in ~
3. Bridge Work-3 Chapter 29-Unit 1 #3
- Review Activity G&C-2 => Pair 
=> How long have you studied English? => I ~ since… So I ~ for … 
=> Do you think you speak English well? => I think I speak a little English/English well.
=> How many book have you read so far this year? => I …
=> How many more books do you think you’ll read this year? =? I think I’ll …
- G&C-3=> Pair I got home early/late this afternoon 
-> Ex-3.1 => Pair=> Julie … => So/Neither ~ Helen. 
-> Ex-3.2 => Pair=> Sally … => So/Neither ~ Jennifer.
- GIU Traveling to Oxford-2 #1  Read-> Answer Qs-> Read aloud-> Check Answers
- U-1 VIU-2: Listen to CD-> Practice Pronunciation-> Write Answers-> Practice with TTS
4. Lesson Review 
1-1. Danny is 45 years old. He looks older than he is.
1-2. Tokyo Sky Tree was built in 2012. It’s the tallest tower in the world.
2-1. I got home late this afternoon. -> So did I.
2-2. I didn’t have time to eat dinner. -> Neither did I.
2-3. I haven’t eaten anything since lunch. -> Neither have I.
2-4. I’m starving. -> So am I.

Lesson Report Senior-1 May 10th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, May 11, 2017.
It's very warm today.

Were you able to tell your partner what you do when you are free successfully?
As I told you, it's important for you to tell others about yourselves effectively.
Did you understand how to use "could, must or can't"?
If you can use proper modal auxiliary verbs, you can express what you think better.

The next speaker is Momoka.
Get ready for your speech!

*個人面談始まります!Come to @7:30 when you have a meeting!

< Lesson review>
Small talk

Deep Listening Lesson 6  My hobby

Bridge Work 
Chapter 36 Unit 2
Vocabulary in Use #1  人類の歴史などに関することば
Chapter 36 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2  Comparison with uncountable nouns, units
Exercise-2 #2
Grammar and Communication-3  must, can't, could, may, might

Enjoy the rest of the week!
See you on Saturday!



Senior 2-May 10th

1. Read & Write Unit 5 Vacation  Reading-1 Vacation from Work: Employee Vacation Policy/Toy’s Inc.
- Blog Review Writing Which option do you prefer, to choose when to take vacation days or to take vacation when the factory is closed? Write your answer in three to five sentences.
=> Revise 
- Read Q-Skills-> Study Words/Expressions
Intro: time off, option, one-the other, by the end of the day
Option 1: reduce worker stress, 52 weeks a year, improve their health
Option 2: lose money, more likely to, get hurt/sick, improve worker attention/health
- Reading Skills-> A/p.86: vacation days + holidays => Total days off -> take a day off
-> B/p.87: response(s) Dic respond
- Shadowing Q-Skills->
2. Cover to Cover Unit 5  Sports  Part 2 Fans or Fanatics?
- Introduction FIFA, Hooligans
- Fluency Strategy: Recognizing Signal Words-> Scan the signal words in Task-A and mark.
- Read=> Task-A/p.62, Checking Fluency and Comprehension, Expanding Vocabulary
- unruly  behavior, unruly child, unruly fans/crowd
- Read w/CD -> Read aloud: Par. 3=> WS Task-1 
(Par 3) One definition of the work ~ and revolutionary. を日本語にしなさい。
また、extremist, militant, activist, revolutionaryのword familyを各1語以上書きなさい。
- extreme-extremist, military-militant, activity-activist, revolution-revolutionary
-> Read aloud: Par. 7 Task-2
(Par 7) In Taiwan, baseball fans are as noisy, if not noisier, than Japanese baseball fans.


Junior 3-May 8th

1. Review Practice 
1. How long have you known your Towako sensei?
-> I’ve known her since I started learning English in MEL school.
2. How long have you had your pencil case? -> I’ve had it for two years. I bought it two years ago.
3. How much money have you spent this month? -> I’ve spent \1,800 for the last two weeks.
2, 基礎英語-3 
Review Shadowing Lesson 13, 14
Lesson-15 What is going on? Why does Tsutomu know Sarah? Task
Lesson-16: What questions does Sarah ask and how Tsutomu answers them?
3. Bridge Work-3 Chapter 29-Unit 1 #2
- Review Activity: Ex-1.3  Pair-> Repeat-> Indirect
=> How long have you lived in your house/known your best friend/had your dictionary?
- G&C-2-> Ex-2.1 -> Ex-2.2=> Pair->Repeat-> Present 
=> How long have you studied English? => I ~ since… So I ~ for … 
=> Do you think you speak English well? => I think I speak a little English/English well.
=> How many book have you read so far this year? => I …
=> How many more books do you think you’ll read this year? =? I think I’ll …
=> How many messages have you received since this morning? => I …
=> How many more messages do you think you’ll receive before going to bed? => I think …
- U-1 VIU-1
4. Lesson Review 
1. I’ve studied English since I became a Junior High student. I’ve studied English for two years. I speak a little English.
2. How many book have you read so far this year? -> I’ve read only a few books. I don’t think I’ll read many more books this year. I’m too busy studying to read books.


Lesson Report Senior-1 May 3rd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Thursday, May 4, 2017.
It's a beautiful Greenery Day.
How are you enjoying the holiday?

Are you confident about telling a direction in English?
It's not difficult once you get used to the phrases to use.
Whenever you have a chance, try as hard as you can!

The next speaker is Momoka.
Get ready for your speech!

*個人面談始まります!Come to @7:30 when you have a meeting!

< Lesson review>
Small talk

Deep Listening Lesson 5  Directions

Bridge Work 
Chapter 36 Unit 1
Vocabulary in Use #2  認識、比較などに関することば
Workbook page 104
Chapter 36 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2  Countable and uncountable nouns
Exercise-2 #1-a, and 1-b
Grammar and Communication-2  Comparison with countable nouns

Enjoy the holiday!
See you on Wednesday!



Senior 2-May 3rd

1. Read & Write Unit 5 Vacation: why is vacation important?
Reading-1  Vacation from Work: Employee Vacation Policy/Toy’s Inc.
- Vocabulary: Read the Text aloud-> Answer w/Part of Speech in mind
-> Read. Attention to pronunciation: reduce, improve, policy, employees-employer
-> Dic reduce-reduction: to make sth less/smaller in size/quantity/price etc.
- Skim the text to understand the intention and contents of the email.
- Read-1-> Main Ideas, Details => Pair Check the answers
=> Pair Which option do you prefer, to choose when to take vacation days or to take vacation when the factory is closed? => Blog Write your answer in three to five sentences.
=> Pair Tell the partner your answer=> Q&A or Argue 
2. Cover to Cover Unit 5  Sports  Part 1 Michelle Wie
- Read aloud Par.5=> Check the last sentence: She played well ~ the news of her playing against …
- Read aloud: Par. 7-10 =>WS Task-1 Write in English. Use the expressions and phrases in the text.
1. (par. 8) 彼女が40歳の誕生日を迎える1週間前に、私の母は 市のゴルフトーナメント/大会の予選に初めて通過しようとしていると 私に言った。
2. (par. 9) 彼女はそんなに若くして特に優れた技術を身につけ、多くの若い女の子にゴルフをすることを奮起させたとは言え、彼女はまだどのプロトーナメントでも勝っていないと指摘した。(even though)
1. A week before her 40th birthday, my mom told me that she would try/was trying to qualify for the city’s golf tournament for the first time. 
2. Some pointed out that even though she had built exceptional skills at such a young age and (had) inspired many young girls to play golf, she hadn’t won any professional tournaments yet.
- Vocabulary  - ancestor - qualify for a tournament  - consistent-consistently - distant-distance
- sign a contract - consistent-consistently-consistency - point out
- except-exception-exceptional-exceptionally  - inspire-inspiring-inspiration
Task-2 Do you think that professional athletes get paid too much money?


Junior 3-May 1st

1. Review Practice 
1. I’m so glad/happy to hear that you got a good score on your math test.
2. Ron has already watched two movies on the plane. They were comedy movies. He’s bored now.
3. I haven’t done my homework yet. I have to do it before I go to bed.
2. 礎英語-3 
Review Shadowing/Reading: Lesson 11,12
Lesson-13: What’s is today’s “Minnesota Prairie? What are the famous artists from Minnesota?
Lesson-14: Explain; Sarah is excited about … She knows …
3. Bridge Work-3 Chapter 29-Unit 1 #1
- Review Writing Pair Read=> Repeat=> Blog Report
- G&C-1=> Pair Ex-1.1. -> Ex-1.2=> Ex-1.3 Pair-> Repeat-> Indirect 
- U-1 VIU-1: Listen to CD-> Practice Pronunciation-> Write Answers-> Practice with TTS
4. Lesson Review 
1. How long have you known Towako sensei?
-> I’ve known her since I started learning English in MEL school.
2. How long have you had your pencil case? -> I’ve had it for two years. I bought it two years ago.
3. How much money have you spent this month? -> I’ve spent \1,800 for the last two weeks.


Lesson Report Senior-1 April 29th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
How are you doing?
It's Monday, May 1, 2017.
It's stormy today.

Do you have any plans during the Golden Week holiday?
Some of you complained about the lesson on the third.
I know you want to enjoy the holiday but you can enjoy a relaxing night on Saturday.
Isn't that a good deal?

Our speaker on Saturday was Chihiro.
She talked about a popular male idol group, ARASHI.
Each member has his own unique talent.

The next speaker is Momoka.
Get ready for your speech!

*個人面談始まります!Come to @7:30 when you have a meeting!

< Lesson review>
Small talk

基礎英語3 Lessons 13-16

Bridge Work 
Chapter 36 Unit 1
Vocabulary in Use #2  認識、比較などに関することば
Chapter 36 Unit 2
Grammar and Communication-2  Countable and uncountable nouns

Have a great week!
See you on Wednesday!
