
Senior 2-Dec.8th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2019-1  
Speak to Learn Unit 32  Unit 1
- G-Drive Reporting/p.104  Speak in Indirect Speech
Inside Reading-1  Unit 4  Reading 1  Who are you? #4
- Reading Skill: Identifying Examples  ~ signal examples
-> Blog Signal words (3,4,5): Signal words are specific words that you can use to transition between the different ideas in your paper clearly and organically => Examples by Type
-> Apply 1&2, 3, 4, 5
[Par. 4-6] L42 refer to  - to relate to or involve someone or something; relate: The town’s name refers to a nearby lake. - to mention or talk about sb/sth; mention - to look at something for information or help; look at  L44 via [ˌvɑɪ·ə, ˌvi·ə ]=> Corpus/p.54-> C.  L46 serve as  to help achieve sth, or to be useful as sth; do work: ~ as, ~s its putpose  L46 index  - an alphabetical list  - sth that shows how strong or common a condition or feeling is   L49 similarly  L49 earn a raise in salary  L56 principal [ˈprɪn·sə·pəl] (n) a person in charge of a school (adj) first in order of importance  L56 civil => Corpus/p.55 -> civilian (n) ~s  (adj) ~ control
L57 somewhat => Corpus/p.54  to some degree: I was ~ pleased/disappointed. NY is ~ similar to …  L59 sultan  a title of someone who rules or governs in some Muslim countries 
L60 convene => Corpus/p.56 -> conventional; ~ weapon. ~ method/approach
L61 style => Corpus/p.57 -> stylish  of a high quality in appearance, design, or behavior: ~ clothes/restaurant/person
[Par.7- ] L63 acquire ; obtain, earn, get, buy, gain, win -> acquisition  L63 inheritance <- L66 inherit  to receive money, a house, etc. from someone after they have died; succeed, receive, take over: ~ a house/property 
L64 analogous [əˈnæl·ə·ɡəs] <- analogy a comparison of the features or qualities of two different things to show their similarities; comparison, similarity, metaphor
L66 sheikh [US:ʃeɪk  UK:ʃiːk]  an Arab ruler or head of a group of people   L67 constitute  - to be or be considered as something: The latest defeat ~s a major setback   - to form or make something; comprise, form: Women ~ about 10% of Parliament.  L69 your highness-majesty, excellency,   L70 military  L70-71 authority is channel from  L71 chain of command 
- Vocabulary Activity A.=> STT
Read & Write Unit 3  Reading 2: Answers to all your Travel Questions #2
- Read w/Q-Classroom
- Study Words/Expressions:
- What do you think? B-2 Blog
Pair Do you think that people are naturally polite? Or do they learn to be polite? Explain with examples. =>Write 5-8 sentences in response.

Interest Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards => Speak which one is your favorite and why in 60 sec.

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