Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-1
Speak to Learn Unit 32 Unit 1
- G-Drive G&C-3/p.108=> Blog Speak in English => Write
- G-Drive C32-U1 GIU The Outbreak of an Influenza Epidemic/p.103 Read with TTS
Interest Epidemics and Pandemics => Explain what epidemic and pandemic are in 60 sec.
Inside Reading-1 Unit 4 Reading-2 Symbolic Clothing #3
- Blog Review the main ideas of the article in three sentences. Try NOT to use the phrases from the text. Try to paraphrase and use the word family of the words/expressions
- Read aloud by Section to learn words/expressions
[Intro] L2 sheikh [ʃeɪk /ʃiːk] an Arab ruler or head of a group of people L2 pope: Pope John Paul II
L4 acquire -> Corpus/p.63 -> acquisition; language ~, merger and ~
L4 impressed others L5 the bigger ~, the more power … L5 appear; seem: There ~s to be some mistake
L5 by analogy [əˈnæl·ə·dʒi]-> Corpus/p.61 (-> Corpus/p.13) a comparison of the features or qualities of two different things to show their similarities: -> analogous [əˈnæl·ə·ɡəs] ; agreeing, similar, related to (-> A.)
L6 seems odd; strange, unexpected: ~ person/thing/look: ~ numbers<-> even numbers L6 everyday object/item L7 at that time L8 unambiguous <- ambiguous having/expressing more than one possible meaning; unclear, vague, inconclusive: The movie’s ending is~. L9 contemporary; modern, new, present day <-> traditional
L11 status ; position, rank, stature: high/social ~ ; condition, situation: health ~, ~ quo
-> Read aloud=> STT
[Univ-Wedding] L12 academic cap and gown L21 tassel [ˈtæs·əl], which is a bundle of long silk strings
L22 by convention (->Corpus/p.56) a way of doing something or appearing that is considered usual and correct; custom: It is the/a ~ to wear black at funerals. By ~, the deputy chairman is always a woman.
L27 sashes L27 whereby L32 civil courts of law L32 judge L33 robe L33 courtroom L34 administer justice to manage or control the operation of something; govern: L34 gavel [ˈɡæv·əl] L34 rap to convene court and maintain order rap - hit suddenly convene - to bring together a group of people for a meeting, L36 commonwealth nations -> L40 monarch a nation’s king or queen -> monarchy a country that has a king or queen L41 cape a sleeveless coat
L45 integral part of the ritual - a set of actions or words performed in a regular way, often as part of a religious ceremony L47 veil L47 bouquet of flowers [boʊˈkeɪ, bu-]
L50 constitute -> Corpus/p.63 ; comprise, form, crate, establish -> constitution constituent [kənˈstɪtʃ·u·ənt]
L54 lucky penny many people believe any penny you find is good luck.
-> Read aloud Line => STT
Read & Write Unit 3 Writing #1
- Writing: Blog Write a paragraph in response to a question posted on an online forum/blog about politeness; I think that young students today are very rude. I’m one of the senior members of the school Judo club. How can I teach junior members to be polite?
=> Check the Senior Blog and Write by the end of Friday, Dec.21st.
=> Check the Senior Blog and Write by the end of Friday, Dec.21st.
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