
Senior 2-Nov.21st

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-1 

Speak to Learn Unit 31  Unit 2  GIU New Rules of MEL City’s Trash Collection Program #1
Read the text by section w/G-Drive (Text or TTS)-> Shadowing w/TTS
Inside Reading-1 Unit 3  Reading 2  What’s in a Name?  #3
- Blog Review the rule you think is the most effective to market a new product in 4~5 sentences.
Try using; “to do” to explain the purpose, “because” for reason, “tend to,” adverbs of frequency.
-Use “a” to introduce a new sth. -Introduce the rule specifically, not just the number.
-the most effective what? <= the rule … the most effective to market - Use present tense => Revise
- Read aloud by Section to learn words/expressions
[Intro]   L1 task  a piece of work to be done, especially one done regularly, unwillingly, or with difficulty; job, duty, assignment, work : take on/fulfil/perform/assign ~, challenging/time-consuming/easy/simple ~, no easy ~
L6 catchy slogan; likely to attract interest/attention, pleasing, easily remembered; addictive, memorable: ~ title  
L6 clever (-er/-est, more/most ~) quick at learning/understanding things; intelligent, bright: a ~ child/idea/plan
[Rule 1-4]   L16 invoke -> Corpus/p.45  to mention sb/a theory/example to support an opinion/ideas or as a reason; call upon, appeal to
L18 easy to pronounce -> pronunciation  L21 consultant   L21 syllables  a single unit of speech-> pro-nounce, com-fort-able, im-pos-sible  <- more/most for usually three or more syllables  
L26 tend  to be likely to happen or to have a particular characteristic or effect: We ~ to eat more in the winter. The gym ~s to get very busy in the evening. I tend not to talk about religion-> tendency: She has a ~ to work late. 
L 31 appropriate correct/right/acceptable/suitable for a particular situation/occasion: ~ clothes/test/action/time 
<->inappropriate  L32 represent  present image; show
-> Read aloud=> STT

Read & Write => Interest  Blog Studying vs. Learning: Kikutan-Day 53 CD
Just as there is a big difference between hearing and listening, there is a big difference between studying and learning. Hearing is what your ears do. Listening is what your brain does.
With today’s technology, information is easy to find if you just search for it. Of course, it is important to develop your memory, but when you learn, you develop the ability to confirm and explain your knowledge and understanding.
This is also important for learning new languages. You can memorize vocabulary, but if you can’t make a sentence, you can’t communicate. Through learning, you develop your own original thoughts.
Indeed, there is a limit to how much you can remember, but there is no limit how much you can learn.
- Listen => Speak the main idea.
- Listen => Speak the difference between Hearing and Listening
- Read => Discuss the difference between Studying and Learning.

=> Write what Learning is compared with Studying in four to five sentences. => Explain

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