
Senior 2-Nov.10th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-2
- Read aloud by Section to learn words/expressions #2
[Selecting, Advertising]  L31 call for; demand, ask for, need, require: ~ a celebration/investigation, ~ ones resignation L32 different marketing techniques   L33 reliable; trustworthy, dependable, honest, respectable   L 36 marketing campaign: election ~ 
L37 suppose   to think that sth is likely to be true; think, assume, guess: I suppose it’s six months since …  
-> be supposed to: Her new book is supposed to be (= generally people think it is) very good
(conj); what if: S~ we miss the train what …
L37 innovative -> Corpus/p.39 -> renovate/renovation -> E.
L46 explicit clear and exact; specific, clear, definite, exact, obvious: ~ about, ~ directions <-> implicit  suggested but not communicated directly; absolute, definite, contained, unspoken  : ~ criticism/agreement 
L47 imply to communicate an idea or feeling without saying it directly: hint, mean, suggest: ~ criticism, ~ that
L52 publish -> Corpus/p.41 -> publication: the latest ~, the ~ date
L54 invoke the authority  to use/mention a person/law/example to support or reason for sth/doing; call upon, enforce: ~ the law to appeal/enforce  L56 emphasize - to show that something is very important; stress, underscore, give priority to : ~ the necessity/importance/urgency -> emphasis: put ~ on
-> Read aloud Par.7,8 => STT
[Others] L62  domestic sales  L63 export <-> import-> Corpus/p.40 -> G.   L.66 response <- respond   L.67 be placed/put on
- Reading Skill: Scanning-> Apply
- Vocabulary Activity A.-> B. => STT

Speak to Learn Unit 31  Unit 2
- G-Drive C31-U1 Ex-1.3  A Famous Composer -> Read with answers
-> Interest  Immortal Love
Most of his works were composed after he became deaf when he was 30 years old. It also means he never heard or conducted his works he had composed. => Speak what you think of that in three sentences.
-> Flashmob Flash Mob - Ode to Joy (5:40)

 Read & Write Unit 2  Reading 2    #3
- Shadowing

- What do you think? A-2.  Pair Imagine that you are designing a new restaurant or store. What kind of restaurant or store is it? What colors will you use for the restaurant or store, the signs, walls, plates, shelves. Why? Speak your answer in four to five sentence.

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