
Senior 1-Nov.29th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-1 
BW-Voca in Use Unit 32-Unit 1  VIU-2
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> TTS Practice Reading-> Read the Sentences aloud.
BW-Review Unit 32  Unit 1
- G&C-2-> Ex.2=> Blog Review: Read aloud
BW-Practice Unit 32  Unit 1
- G&C-3.1-> Ex-3.1 => Speak a sentence => Blog Write 2. I ~d to do sth to purpose. 4. I want sth but I can’t ~. 4. I ~ed to do sth. 9. Sb ~d to do sth but didn’t. 10. Sb told me to do sth but I ~d to do it. 11. Fred Gonzales ~s to be adj. 12. I ~ed to do sth but couldn’t.
- G&C-3.2 -> Ex-3.2  => Speak a sentence => Blog Write: 1. You should ~ -ing. 4. You need to ~ -ing before … 5. You should ~ -ing to do sth. 6. You shouldn’t ~ -ing. 7. I don’t ~-ing. 8. I love sth.I can’t ~ -ing. 9. I hate sth. I can’t ~ ing. 10. I’m not good at sth. I need to ~ -ing.
=> Blog Speak in English=> Write
Cover to Cover Unit 11  Part 1: A Lesson Learned   #1
- Before Reading: summer vacation in US (Jun-Aug)
- Comprehension Strategy: Recognizing Point of View – according to, says, believes, thinks
- Listen=> Task-A , Checking Comprehension (- > Read)
-> Read w/CD=> Pair Check the Answers -> Read aloud: Pr. 4-7


Senior 2-Nov.28th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-1   
Speak to Learn Unit 32 Unit 1  G&C-2 Blog Speak with make/let/have sb to => Write the sentences.
Inside Reading-1 Unit 4  Reading 1  Who are you? #1
- Blog Sociology is the study of human social relationships and institutions. Sociology’s subject matter ranges from crime to religion, from the family to the state, from the divisions of race and social class to the shared beliefs of a common culture, and from social stability to radical change in whole societies.
- Before Reading 1. Do you have or anyone you know has a nickname? Who calls you by this name?
- Preview: The title, subheadings, photos, chart, Intro, [Groups], and the last par.
              => Speak what this excerpt is about in one sentence.
              Titles help people identify who they are and what they do.
- Reading Comprehension: Underline/Mark the key words to look for
<- Refer to the Subheadings. Predict the meaning of unknown words; analogous, convene, ambiguous
-> Read  T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements.=> Pair Check the Answers
- Study Words & Phrases  [P1] appropriately<- appropriate  correct or right for a particular situation or occasion; suitable, proper: ~ clothes, ~ punishment for the crime, ~ occasion to talk, ~ movie for a child  [P2] - shake hands gently or firmly<- firm handshake  - handshaking varies around the world. [P4] - stand about arm’s length apart<- at an arm’s length   - awkward  embarrassed or nervous: feel ~   causing problems, worry, or embarrassment: followed an ~ silence, spend an ~ time, ask ~ questions   [P7] acceptable; satisfactory, agreeable, adequate <- accept
=> What do you think?  Blog Write five to eight sentences in response to one of the questions below.

Senior 1-Nov.26th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-1  
BW-Voca in Use Unit 32-Unit 1  VIU-2
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> Read the Sentences aloud. => STT
BW-Review Unit 31  Unit 2
- G&C-1.3  Ex-1.4 Blog Review: Read aloud
BW-Practice Unit 32  Unit 1
- G&C-2-> Ex.2=> Blog Speak with make/let/have sb to => Write the sentences.
Cover to Cover Unit 10  Part 2  A Living Legend  #3
- Read with CD
- Expanding Vocabulary
- Vocabulary: legend-legendary, rule the country-ruler, defeat the enemy, from that day/now on, sight-sighting, elsewhere, escape from,
- Task-2 Read aloud par-2 => STT
=> Retell the legend of the Hoan Kiem turtle in four to six sentences.
1. In the 15th century, China ruled Vietnam.
2. The gods gave Vietnamese Emperor Le Loi a magic sword to defeat Chinese army.
3. He defeated the Chinese with the sword.
4. When he was in a boat on a lake, a giant turtle appeared and told him to return the magic sword.
5. The turtle took the sword, disappeared into the lake and returned the sword to the gods.
6. From then on, the lake came to known as the Lake of the Returned Sword.
Interest  Amazon delivers in the Himalayas  (3:28)
=> Do you think it’s a good idea to have a delivery service in a small town in Himalaya?
=> Where or how do they dispose the trash?


Senior 2-Nov.24th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2019-1 
Speak to Learn Unit 31  Unit 2  GIU New Rules of MEL City’s Trash Collection Program #2
Read the text by section w/G-Drive -> Blog Dictate [Regular Collection Rules] w/TTS
[Rule 5-7]  L36 positive and inviting; attractive   L38 descriptive word describing sth in a detailed, interesting way: a ~ essay/passage <-describe  L42 frequently<- frequent happening often; common: make ~ trips/visits to, ~ traveler
L44 implicitly -implicit Corpus/p.46 -> C.
 (R-1) implicit suggested, not communicated directly; absolute, definite, contained : ~ criticism/agreement
<-> explicit clear and exact; specific, clear, definite, exact, obvious: ~ about, ~ directions
=> Activity: Speak implicitly: I don’t like your idea=>  You must do it=>  I hate math=>
L47  letters<- words   L47 administered -> Corpus/p.47
L48 reaction to    L49 associate ~ with … to connect sb/sth in your mind with sth/sb else; link, relate: Most people ~ this brand with good quality.  L53 feminine [ˈfem·ə·nən ] – masculine [ˈmæs·kjə·lɪn]
L56 translate in   L59 predict   L65 implicit-message – explicit meaning   L68 dependable
-> Read aloud Rule 6; alphabets, comma => STT
[Last 2 Par.]   L72 put forth great effort to  L73 hire  L73 specialize in 
L75 channel the names through  (Corpus/p.38 ; direct, guide)
L76 focus groups  a group of people who have been brought together to discuss a particular subject in order to solve a problem or suggest ideas   L76 drawn from   L82 only time will tell   L83 effective in
-> Read aloud Line 72-80  => STT
-> Blog Is naming important or influential when you choose a good or service to buy?
=> Speak your answer with an example in 4-5 sen. => Write
Read & Write Unit 3  Reading 1 Being Polite from Culture to Culture  #1
- Preview  Do you know any Japanese manner that may not be polite in other cultures?
- Reading Skill: Identifying Supporting Details
- Read-> Par.4=> Ex-A,  Par.5=> Ex-B,   Par.6=> Ex-C
- Read aloud w/Q-classroom


Senior 1-Nov.22nd

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-1   
BW-Voca in Use Unit 32-Unit 1  VIU-1
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> TTS Practice Reading-> Read the Sentences aloud.
BW-Review Unit 31  Unit 2
- Read GIU aloud
- Speak sentences: be allowed, not allowed, be supposed, not supposed, be required, not required=> STT
BW-Practice Unit 32  Unit 1
- Ex-1.1: Read aloud
- G&C-1.2  Blog Read aloud: fill in the form, fill up a glass with water, keep out the crowd, put off the meeting, put on the shoes, take out your coat, turn on the light, turn off the TV.
=> Speak with it/them: fill it in, put it off …
- G&C-1.3 -> Ex.1-3  Blog Speak a sentence(s)
           The bus->get on/off, a word-> look up, a patient-> look after, the light-> turn up/off, volute-> turn up/down, meeting-> put off, coat-> put on/off, fire->put out
Cover to Cover Unit 10  Part 2  A Living Legend  #2
- Read with CD => Read aloud: Pr-3-6
-WS Task-1 日本語にしなさい
1. Pr-4: Dr. Ha Dinh Duc, ~ it was love at first sight.
2. Pr-6: There is now a plan ~, so that the turtle will survive in real life as well as in the legend.
Grammar: , so that … / so that …
 , so that:(結果)それで、そのため、その結果  I overslept, so that I missed the flight.
 so that: (目的)するために、するように      Talk louder so that I may hear you better.
: 主節とso that節の主語が同じなら不定詞で可
He made dinner so that he could please his wife. => He made dinner to please his wife.

Interest  Six Things to do in Hanoi (3:22)


Senior 2-Nov.21st

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-1 

Speak to Learn Unit 31  Unit 2  GIU New Rules of MEL City’s Trash Collection Program #1
Read the text by section w/G-Drive (Text or TTS)-> Shadowing w/TTS
Inside Reading-1 Unit 3  Reading 2  What’s in a Name?  #3
- Blog Review the rule you think is the most effective to market a new product in 4~5 sentences.
Try using; “to do” to explain the purpose, “because” for reason, “tend to,” adverbs of frequency.
-Use “a” to introduce a new sth. -Introduce the rule specifically, not just the number.
-the most effective what? <= the rule … the most effective to market - Use present tense => Revise
- Read aloud by Section to learn words/expressions
[Intro]   L1 task  a piece of work to be done, especially one done regularly, unwillingly, or with difficulty; job, duty, assignment, work : take on/fulfil/perform/assign ~, challenging/time-consuming/easy/simple ~, no easy ~
L6 catchy slogan; likely to attract interest/attention, pleasing, easily remembered; addictive, memorable: ~ title  
L6 clever (-er/-est, more/most ~) quick at learning/understanding things; intelligent, bright: a ~ child/idea/plan
[Rule 1-4]   L16 invoke -> Corpus/p.45  to mention sb/a theory/example to support an opinion/ideas or as a reason; call upon, appeal to
L18 easy to pronounce -> pronunciation  L21 consultant   L21 syllables  a single unit of speech-> pro-nounce, com-fort-able, im-pos-sible  <- more/most for usually three or more syllables  
L26 tend  to be likely to happen or to have a particular characteristic or effect: We ~ to eat more in the winter. The gym ~s to get very busy in the evening. I tend not to talk about religion-> tendency: She has a ~ to work late. 
L 31 appropriate correct/right/acceptable/suitable for a particular situation/occasion: ~ clothes/test/action/time 
<->inappropriate  L32 represent  present image; show
-> Read aloud=> STT

Read & Write => Interest  Blog Studying vs. Learning: Kikutan-Day 53 CD
Just as there is a big difference between hearing and listening, there is a big difference between studying and learning. Hearing is what your ears do. Listening is what your brain does.
With today’s technology, information is easy to find if you just search for it. Of course, it is important to develop your memory, but when you learn, you develop the ability to confirm and explain your knowledge and understanding.
This is also important for learning new languages. You can memorize vocabulary, but if you can’t make a sentence, you can’t communicate. Through learning, you develop your own original thoughts.
Indeed, there is a limit to how much you can remember, but there is no limit how much you can learn.
- Listen => Speak the main idea.
- Listen => Speak the difference between Hearing and Listening
- Read => Discuss the difference between Studying and Learning.

=> Write what Learning is compared with Studying in four to five sentences. => Explain


Senior 1-Nov.19th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-3 
BW-Voca in Use Unit 31-Unit 2  VIU-2
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> Read the Sentences aloud. => STT
BW-Review Unit 31  Unit 2
- Ex.3.2 Speak the answer=> Blog Write in English => Correct errors.
- GIU New Rules of MEL City’s Trash Collection Program: Read Part 1
BW-Practice Unit 31  Unit 2
- GIU New Rules of MEL City’s Trash Collection Program #2
Read Part 2 w/TTS -> Read aloud => STT
- KC: Speak => STT => Blog Write
- Blog Write sentences about students or yourself using should, shouldn’t, must, mustn’t, can, can’t
Then, rewrite them in the Passive Voice using, be (not) supposed, required, (not) allowed,
- should, shouldn’t=> supposed, not supposed         - must=> required, mustn’t=> not allowed
              - can, can’t=> allowed, not allowed 
Cover to Cover Unit 10  Part 2  A Living Legend  #1
- Before Reading: How long do turtles, cranes and elephants live?
- Fluency Strategy: Predicting the Topic
- Read=> Task-A, Checking Fluency and Comprehension-> Read with CD => Check the Answers
- Huan Kiem Lake, Hanoi                Huan Keim Turtle
Interest  Blog Studying vs. Learning

 => Speak the difference between Studying and Learning with an example.


Senior 2-Nov.17th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-2 
Speak to Learn Unit 31  Unit 2  Ex.3.2
G-Drive C31U2 p.93 Ex-3.2 -> Speak the answer=> Blog Type => Correct errors.
- Reading Skill: Scanning-> Apply A. -> B. 
- Read aloud [Intro] => STT
- Read by Rule-> Identify Main Ideas.
-> Choose one rule that you think is the most effective to market a new product.          
=> Group Explain your idea in 3-4 sen. => Discuss
=> Blog Write which rule you think is the most effective to market a new product in 4~5 sentences.
Try using; “to do” to explain the purpose, “because” for reason, “tend to,” adverbs of frequency (often, usually, not always), and words from Reading 1 and 2.
Read & Write Unit 2  Writing  #2
Blog Review the paragraph to explain a new business you create.
If you’re designing a new restaurant, what colors would you use for the outdoor signs, interior (walls/floor/ceiling/furniture), tableware and employee uniform? Why?
 Try These: Compound Sentences (Conjunctions/p.37), Vocabulary (p.41)


Senior 1-Nov.15th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-2   
BW-Voca in Use Unit 31-Unit 2  VIU-2
BW-Review Unit 31  Unit 2
- G&C-2.2 allowed/required to do -> Ex.2.2 Speak the answer=> STT
BW-Practice Unit 31  Unit 2
- G&C-3 -> Ex.3.1 -> Ex.3.2 Speak the answer=> Blog Type => Correct errors.
- GIU New Rules of MEL City’s Trash Collection Program #1
Read Part 1 w/TTS -> Read aloud => STT
Cover to Cover Unit 10  Part 1 The Camel Library  #3
- Vocabulary: unique to, remote village, eager-eagerly, unique, borrow a book/return a book
- WS Com Task-2: Write in English.
1. (Pr-4) 兵士の内の1人が、彼らの持ち物を誰も盗んだりしないように見張りの役をしている一方で、

While one of troops/soldiers was acting as a guard to make sure no one tries to steal their belongings, the others were resting under the shade of the big tree.

Senior 2-Nov.14th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-2   

Speak to Learn Unit 31  Unit 2  Ex.2.2
G-Drive C31U2 p.92 Ex-2.2 -> Speak the answer=> Blog Type => Correct errors.
1. Children under 13 are not allowed to see this movie.
2. Only the passengers with boarding passes are allowed to enter the departure area.
3. A driver’s license is required to drive cars.
4. You aren’t allowed to use a mobile phone on and near the “Priority Seats.”
5. You are required to carry your passport when you travel abroad.
6. You aren’t allowed to record anything during the movie.

Inside Reading-1 Unit 3  Reading 2  What’s in a Name?  #1
- Before Reading  excerpt [ˈek·sɜrpt]  a short part taken from a speech, book, etc: ~ from
- Skim: The title, subheadings=> column, photos,
-> Intro Par. 1st sentence of each Rule and Mark the Key Word->Column, Last Par.
              => Speak the main idea of the excerpt in one sentence.  Naming is one of the most effective marketing tools and there are several aspects to be considered to choose one.
- Reading Comprehension: Underline/Mark the key words to look for.
-> Read  T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements.=> Pair Check the Answers

Read & Write Unit 2  Writing #1
- Grammar: Conjunctions  and, or, but, so -> Ex-A, B
- Writing Skill: Free Writing A-> B
Write a color proposal for a business
Blog Write a paragraph to explain a new business you create.

Interest Drone Racing (0:52)