
Lesson Report Senior-2 July 21st

Hello class! Hope you had a good time learning English yesterday.
Please check what you learned!

=> Live  Aoi (Jun 20)  => Yui (Jun 23) => Kanta (Jun 27) => Chihiro (Jun 30) => Hajime (Jul 4) => Takuto (Jul 7)  => Mao (Jul 11) => Mei (Jul 14)  => Kaho (Jul 18) => Noi (Jul 21) => Jul 25

Song of the month Have it all

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2017-3
Lis-> Speak the Task =>Repeat by sentence=> Shadowing
- #19  Task: Report what the man wanted to do and will do in 2 sen. 1. The man wanted to see a movie for kids with his grandson. 2. He’ll have to wait for the DVD to be available because they stopped showing it two weeks ago.
           will have to wait for
- #29    Task: Report what the announcement said in 2 sen. 1. The flight to Tokyo will be late by 15 minutes and is going to arrive at 9 a.m.  2. The time in Tokyo is one hour later than the time in Singapore and the weather will be sunny there.
             The time in ~ is an hour later/earlier than

☆☆No. 19
Welcome to the Showtime Theater.
Hi. Are you still showing the movie Bubbles the Dancing Bear? I didn’t see the title on the sign. My grandson and I would like to see it.
Sorry, sir. We stopped showing that movie two weeks ago.
Oh, that’s too bad. I guess we’ll have to wait for the DVD.
☆☆Question: Why is the man disappointed?
☆☆No. 29
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for flying with us. I’m sorry to say that we will arrive in Tokyo 15 minutes later than we planned. The time in Tokyo is one hour later than the time in Singapore. We’ll arrive at 9 a.m., and it’ll be sunny today. We hope you will enjoy your stay.
☆☆Question: What is one thing that the announcement says?
Cover to Cover Unit 5 Culture Part 2 A Team Player (2)
-        Reading aloud
-        Expanding Vocabulary Do A and B
-        Communication task

Bridge Work-38:15-8:45
Work Book (Grammar)
Chapter 30 Unit 2 (p. 15) 知覚動詞の使い方
Activities Complete the sentences
Work Book (Vocabulary)
Chapter 28 Unit 1 (p. 71) 農業などに関することば
Vocabulary test => Check with TTS => Listen and write the answer. => STT => Post to Edmodo.

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