
Lesson Report Senior-2 July 30th

Hello class! Hope you had a good time learning English yesterday.
Please check what you learned!

=> Live  Aoi (Jun 20)  => Yui (Jun 23) => Kanta (Jun 27) => Chihiro (Jun 30) => Hajime (Jul 4) => Takuto (Jul 7)  => Mao (Jul 11) => Mei (Jul 14)  => Kaho (Jul 18) => Noi (Jul 30)

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2017-3 
Lis-> Speak the Task =>Repeat by sentence=> Shadowing
- #20  Task: Report what Leonard has got in 2 sen. 1. Leonard got a nice camera for his birthday. 2. Everyone in the family helped because they know he really likes taking photos.
            everyone in the family, looks like it cost …
- #30    Task: Report what Mark did in 3 sen. 1. Mark did poorly on his math test last month. 2. His brother told him about a study program at the library. 3. He got a good score after he took the program.
             do poorly on ~ test, get a good score on ~ test.

☆☆No. 20
Here’s your present, Leonard. Happy birthday!
Wow, a camera! This looks like it cost a lot of money. I can’t believe you bought me this.
It’s not only from me. Everyone in the family helped. We all paid a little bit. We know how much you like taking photos.
It’s perfect. Thanks so much.
☆☆Question: Why is the boy surprised to receive the camera?

☆☆No. 30
Mark is a high school student. Last month, he did poorly on his math test. Even though he had studied hard, he could not understand the questions. His brother told him about a study program at the library. There, college students help high school students with studying. Mark joined the program and got a good score on his test this month.
☆☆Question: How did Mark get a good score on his test this month?

Bridge Work-3
Workbook (Vocabulary)
Chapter 28 Unit 1 (p. 72)
Vocabulary test => Check with TTS => Listen and write the answer. => STT => Post to Edmodo.

Special Lesson 
Pay it Forward with English subtitle
Background and Main Characters

ð  Post which scene impressed you the most.


Senior 1-Jul.30th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-1
BW-Voca in Use Unit 27-Unit 2  VIU-1
BW-Review U nit 27  Unit 2
- G&C-2-> STT Read G&C-2.3 => Gmail-self => Correct=> Gmail-T
- GIU: George remembers the old days-> Read with TTS
STT Read a paragraph you like => Gmail-self => Correct=> Gmail-T
BW-Practice Unit 27  Unit 2
- GIU: George met Jiro at the dog run! -> Read-> Read w/TTS
- KC: Read=> STT Read a paragraph you like => Gmail-self => Correct=> Gmail-T
Cover to Cover Unit 5  Part 2  A Team Player
- Read with CD -> Expanding Vocabulary A, B 
- Read aloud: Pr. 4-6=>WS Comm Task
1. Par.4 In my year in Japan ~ not the individuals. を日本語5文以内で説明しなさい
- Vocabulary: colleague, aspect, organize, I was confident that ~, come to understand, whisper, briefly, reach an agreement, (put) emphasis on
Interest: Blog Coming of age: Why adults in Japan are getting younger 

Summer Assignments
Blog HW-1 Read your English Communication textbook to STT
         => Log how well you did on Blog

Blog HW-2 Read a foreign book or watch a foreign movie. 
Write the storyline in 6~8 sentences and what you are impressed or moved in 4~6 sentences
by Aug.14.


Senior 1-Jul.26th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-1
BW-Voca in Use Unit 27-Unit 1  VIU-2
BW-Review U nit 27  Unit 2
- G&C-1.3-> Ex-2a=> Pair Talk-2 about a thing you used to do but no longer do: I used to ~ when ~ but I don’t do that any longer. => Repeat You used to ~ when ~ but you no longer do that.
=> STT Speak about yourself after T using used to do but not any longer, and used to do but no longer.  #1: I used to read comic books when I was an elementary student, but I don’t read them any longer. I watch YouTube when I have time now.  #2: I used to have a pet dog when I … but I no longer have it. He died a few years ago. 
=> Gmail-self => Correct=> Gmail-T.
BW-Practice Unit 27  Unit 2
- G&C-2.1: a/an - G&C-2.2,3: the -> Ex-2. (1), (2)
- G&C-2.4: without the -> Ex-2. (3)
- GIU: George remembers the old days-> Read=> Read with TTS
STT Report => Gmail-self => Correct=> Gmail-T.
Cover to Cover Unit 5  Part 2  A Team Player
- Before Reading: Do you prefer to make decisions on your own or as a part of a team?
- Fluency Strategy: Skimming - Read the title, the first paragraph and the first sentence of each paragraph and the last paragraph.-> Task-A: Find the main idea. 
- Read-> Checking Fluency and Comprehension -> Read with CD -> Check the answers


Senior 3-Jul.25th

Kikutan Day 40 #2
Eiken Lis-2Q 2018-1  Lis-> Speak the Task -> Repeat by sentence=> Shadowing
Inside Reading Unit 9  Reading-2  Farming in Many Places
=> Blog Review the main ideas of the article in four to six sentences.
- Vocabulary Activities
strategy (L3)  ~ for doing sth/to do sth; plan, action, design, approach -> A.
Pair-1 What is your strategy for -ing? => My strategy for -ing (sth) is to …
Pair-2 Do you have any strategy to do? => Yes. My strategy to do (sth) is to …
regulation (<- regulate (L59)-> B.  
require (L27)-> requirement (L59) -> C.  Mark the word that determines the form.
transport -> transportation (L40)-> D. 
benefit (L21) Dic to check sample sentences, and (adj) beneficial  helpful, useful, or good: to sth, to do sth
The improvement in sth had a beneficial effect/influence on the team.
A stay in the country will be beneficial to his/the health. 
The psychiatric team decided that it would not be beneficial to keep her in hospital.  -> E.
=> Pair-1 What are the benefits of learning English?
=> Pair-2 What subject do you think is the most beneficial to study for your future?
-> Read the article aloud by part=> Vocabulary Activities F.
=> Speak-1 Explain what hydroponic farming and vertical farming are in 60 sec. 
=> Speak-2 Explain why they are said to be important in 60 sec. 
Read & Write Unit 8  Reading 1: Nasreddin Hondja and the Candle
- Read with Q-Classroom=> Retell-2 the whole story in four to six to eight sentences
- Words & Expressions (Par.1) brag  to speak of (one's own achievements, possessions) arrogantly   strike out  to set forth; venture forth: She struck out on her own at the age of 18.  (par.5) make/strike a bargain  to agree on terms  -> bargain (n) an agreement or contract establishing between parties,  sth bought/offered at a low price: a ~ at an auction, a ~ price  (par.9) stroll  to walk about in a leisurely manner  (par.11) glow  light emitted by a substance or object at a high temperature, a steady even light without flames  (par.11) reluctantly -> reluctant; unwilling, hesitant -> reluctance
- Reading Skill: Summarizing
☆Tip/p.149: You don’t have to use the same tense as the original but you can write the summary in the present.
-> B. Complete the summary of the first part
☆ Guidelines to Write a Summary
=> Blog Write a Summary of the rest of the story in six to eight sentences.


Senior 1-Jul.23rd

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-1 
BW-Voca in Use Unit 27-Unit 1  VIU-1
BW-Review  Unit 27  Unit 1  
-- G&C-3: when/while 
-- GIU: Yuki’s Story => STT Read “However, … any longer=> Gmail-self => Correct=> Gmail-T
-- Reporting: Read=> Pair
BW-Practice  Unit 27  Unit 2
- G&C-1.1,2-> Ex-1. 1=> Pair Talk-1 about a thing you used to do: I used to ~ when I => Repeat You used
=> Pair Talk about a thing you didn’t used to do: I didn’t used to ~. Now I …=> Repeat You didn’t used 
- G&C-1.3-> Ex-2a=> Pair Talk-2 about a thing you used to do but no longer do: I used to ~ when ~ but I don’t do that any longer. => Repeat You used to ~ when ~ but you no longer do that.
=> STT Speak what you used to: #1, #2 => Gmail-self => Correct=> Gmail-T.
Cover to Cover Unit 5  Part 1   Learning in America
- Read with CD -> Vocabulary: casually dressed-formally, interact-interactive-interaction, interrupt-interruption, waste time, influence-influential, be confused, be impressed, be frustrated
=> What’s your Opinion? Pair Answer in one sentence + Explanation in two to three sentences.
1. Which education style do you prefer, Korean/Japanese style or American style?
2. Do you think you’ll choose your college based on the education style or the name of the college?
=> Blog Write your answers in the Blog=> Write a comment

Lesson Report Senior-2 July 21st

Hello class! Hope you had a good time learning English yesterday.
Please check what you learned!

=> Live  Aoi (Jun 20)  => Yui (Jun 23) => Kanta (Jun 27) => Chihiro (Jun 30) => Hajime (Jul 4) => Takuto (Jul 7)  => Mao (Jul 11) => Mei (Jul 14)  => Kaho (Jul 18) => Noi (Jul 21) => Jul 25

Song of the month Have it all

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2017-3
Lis-> Speak the Task =>Repeat by sentence=> Shadowing
- #19  Task: Report what the man wanted to do and will do in 2 sen. 1. The man wanted to see a movie for kids with his grandson. 2. He’ll have to wait for the DVD to be available because they stopped showing it two weeks ago.
           will have to wait for
- #29    Task: Report what the announcement said in 2 sen. 1. The flight to Tokyo will be late by 15 minutes and is going to arrive at 9 a.m.  2. The time in Tokyo is one hour later than the time in Singapore and the weather will be sunny there.
             The time in ~ is an hour later/earlier than

☆☆No. 19
Welcome to the Showtime Theater.
Hi. Are you still showing the movie Bubbles the Dancing Bear? I didn’t see the title on the sign. My grandson and I would like to see it.
Sorry, sir. We stopped showing that movie two weeks ago.
Oh, that’s too bad. I guess we’ll have to wait for the DVD.
☆☆Question: Why is the man disappointed?
☆☆No. 29
Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for flying with us. I’m sorry to say that we will arrive in Tokyo 15 minutes later than we planned. The time in Tokyo is one hour later than the time in Singapore. We’ll arrive at 9 a.m., and it’ll be sunny today. We hope you will enjoy your stay.
☆☆Question: What is one thing that the announcement says?
Cover to Cover Unit 5 Culture Part 2 A Team Player (2)
-        Reading aloud
-        Expanding Vocabulary Do A and B
-        Communication task

Bridge Work-38:15-8:45
Work Book (Grammar)
Chapter 30 Unit 2 (p. 15) 知覚動詞の使い方
Activities Complete the sentences
Work Book (Vocabulary)
Chapter 28 Unit 1 (p. 71) 農業などに関することば
Vocabulary test => Check with TTS => Listen and write the answer. => STT => Post to Edmodo.