Kikutan Day 31 #2
Eiken Lis 2017-1
Inside Reading Unit 7 Reading-2 2-D Bar Codes
- Read aloud Par.1-3, Check the comparison chart/p.107 ->
=> Speak What the UPC code is and does, and what 2-D bar code is. Use “while” to show comparison.
- Read aloud Par.4-> Reading Skill 1. Number the steps the young man does
=> Speak what he does in six to eight steps.
- Read aloud Par.5 => Speak how 2-D bar code is used in 60 sec.
=> Speak Have you used QR code? What was it for? How did you use it?
Read & Write Unit 6 Writing
- Writing Skill: Describing a Process-> A. Underline the time order words
-> B. Number the Steps=> C. Write the process using time order words.
- Write a paragraph describing a process-> A. Brainstorm -> B. Select a Topic
Blog Organize the steps in order, an introductory message to the reader and a topic sentence
=> Write a paragraph to describe the process. Refer to p.117.
- Write a topic sentence introducing what process you’re writing about.
- Add a conclusion sentence(s) to encourage the reader to follow the steps for their benefits.
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