
Senior 3-Apr.28th

Kikutan Day 28 #2
Eiken Lis 2017-1 
Inside Reading  Unit 6  Reading-2  
- Word Corpus: techniques: method, means, ways, know-how, skill -> A.
available: ready, usable, accessible, free -> availability; check the ~ of flights-> B.  
preserve-> (v) - to keep something as it is, especially to prevent it from decaying or being damaged or destroyed; keep, save, conserve: ~ the environment, ~ the right to … , the ruin was ~d
- to treat food in a particular way to keep it for a long time: ~d food/fruit  
(n) a food made from fruit or vegetables boiled with sugar and water until it becomes a firm sauce: strawberry ~
-> C significant, -ly-> D. Read with significant/significantly <- Notice how adv is used before adj
culture, cultural=> E. -> Where do you think this person is from? 
- Words & Phrases  [P1-L3,4] searched for ~ hunted for ~  [L5] Dic rot-rotted-rotted   to (cause sth to) decay; decay, decompose: the smell of rotting/rotten fruit -> rotten   [P2-L12] drag   [L21] lasted for a long time  [P3-L23] moisture <- moist (adj)  [P4-L24] farm (v) [L26] Dic supply sb with sth  ~ sth to sb/sth ; provide sb with sth, ~ sth for sb  [L29] supply (n)  [P6-L48] seal (v) to close an entrance or container so that nothing can enter or leave it; close, enclose, make air tight  -to cover a surface with a special liquid to protect it:  (n) put a ~ on sth  [L52] cupboard [ˈkʌb.ɚd] a piece of furniture or a small part of a room with a door or doors behind which there is space for storing things, usually on shelves; storage, cabinet, storeroom: a kitchen/built-in ~, 
=> Vocabulary Activities F.
=> Speak-1 Talk about a preserved food that you like or often eat. How it is preserved and served. 
- Read the text again. 
=> Speak-2 how humans learned to preserve foods in two minutes.
Blog Is this the best time in history to learn languages?

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