
Senior 1-Apr.26th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2017-1 
BW-Voca in Use TTS Unit 36-Unit 2  VIU-2   #1, 2
BW-Review Unit 36-Unit 2  
- G&C-2.1. more/fewer, as many as, as few as, a lot of 
- G&C-3  must, can’t, could, may, might-> Ex-3
BW-Practice Unit 36-Unit 2 
- G&C-2.2. more, less, as much as, as little as
- G&C-2.3, 4. inch, foot, gallon, once, Celsius, fractions -> Ex-2.2
- Key Communication
Cover to Cover Unit 1-Part 2  The Couple That Loves Weddings
- Read with CD 
- Expanding Vocabulary: unable, unhappy, impatient, impossible, unusual, unlike
- Vocabulary  - bride – groom/bridegroom, - stare at, - include-including, 
- marry: He wanted to marry her.  -be/get married: The couple were/got married. He’s married. 
They’ve been married since 2001. - marriage: They wanted to marry again after one year of marriage.
- impatient<-> patient  - neither family had a lot of money -> neither A nor B - priest 
- What’s your opinion? : What do you think makes a good marriage?  
=> Pair Speak your answer in 3~4 sentences.
Interest: Did you know that? (p.173)  #1 Leaders

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