
Senior 2-Dec.22nd

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2019-1 
Speak to Learn Unit 32  Unit 2
- G-Drive C32-U2 GIU A man became a resident of a white house/p.110
[Uniforms, Last]   L63 identify the occupation  L65 cabin stewards   L68 serves two important purposes  - be useful, meet the needs or requirements, satisfy.   L69 differentiate A from B-> differentiation
L74 in the context of -> Corpus/p.62 ; background, situation
L75 military personnel  the people working in an organization or for a particular type of employer: ~ is/are
L79 index -> Corpus/p.62
L86 respect the conventional symbolism ; common, ordinary, regular, traditional
-> Read aloud  => STT
Review Reading-2-> Review words/expressions
Review Reading-1-> Review words/expressions
=> Dic identity who a person is, or the qualities of a person or group that make them different from others:
  the ~ of a person/the source. Give a new ~. -> identify -> identification-> ID
Read & Write Unit 3  Writing #2
- Blog Review Writing: a paragraph in response to a question posted on an online forum/blog about politeness; I think that young students today are very rude. I’m one of the senior members of the school Judo club. How can I teach junior members to be polite?
Winter Assignment
- Daily Practice Blog  Read the English Communication Textbook and keep a log on the Blog.
- Assignment Blog Write the story line of a book you read or movie you watched during the holidays in six to eight sentences, and what you liked about the book or movie in three to four sentences by Jan. 1st.
=> Present on Jan. 4th.

Special Blog  Nutcracker


Senior 1-Dec.20th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-1   Lis=> Speak,  Repeat by sentence=> Shadowing=> Speak
- #20  Report what the girl does in 1 sen. 1.The girl asks Charlie if he ~ because Jenny can’t …
   I thought you were -ing.
- #30  Report the narration in 2 sen. 1. Neil is planning … He decided to try to eat at home ~ to save
   plan a three-day/week/month vacation   save money for sth

BW-Review Unit 32  Unit 2
- G&C-3.1-> Pair Ex-3.1 => Repeat STT
- G&C-3.2-> Ex-3.2

BW-Practice Unit 32  Unit 2
Winter Assignment
- Daily Practice Blog VIU sentences in C-30, 31, 32 (12) STT -> Type <= Typing Lesson
- Assignment Blog Write the story line of a book you read or movie you watched during the holidays in six to eight sentences, and what you liked about the book or movie in three to four sentences by Jan. 1st.
=> Present on Jan. 4th.

Special Blog  Nutcracker


Senior 2-Dec.19th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-1
Speak to Learn Unit 32 Unit 1   
- G-Drive G&C-3/p.108=> Blog Speak in English => Write
- G-Drive C32-U1 GIU The Outbreak of an Influenza Epidemic/p.103  Read with TTS
Interest Epidemics and Pandemics => Explain what epidemic and pandemic are in 60 sec.
Inside Reading-1 Unit 4  Reading-2  Symbolic Clothing #3
- Blog Review the main ideas of the article in three sentences.  Try NOT to use the phrases from the text. Try to paraphrase and use the word family of the words/expressions
- Read aloud by Section to learn words/expressions
[Intro]   L2 sheikh [ʃeɪk /ʃiːk] an Arab ruler or head of a group of people   L2 pope: Pope John Paul II
L4 acquire -> Corpus/p.63 -> acquisition; language ~, merger and ~
L4 impressed others  L5 the bigger ~, the more power …  L5 appear; seem: There ~s to be some mistake
L5 by analogy [əˈnæl·ə·dʒi]-> Corpus/p.61 (-> Corpus/p.13)  a comparison of the features or qualities of two different things to show their similarities:   -> analogous [əˈnæl·ə·ɡəs] ; agreeing, similar, related to  (-> A.)
L6 seems odd; strange, unexpected: ~ person/thing/look: ~ numbers<-> even numbers   L6 everyday object/item   L7 at that time   L8 unambiguous <- ambiguous having/expressing more than one possible meaning; unclear, vague, inconclusive: The movie’s ending is~.  L9 contemporary; modern, new, present day <-> traditional  
L11 status ; position, rank, stature: high/social ~  ; condition, situation: health ~, ~ quo
-> Read aloud=> STT
[Univ-Wedding]   L12 academic cap and gown    L21 tassel [ˈtæs·əl], which is a bundle of long silk strings 
L22 by convention (->Corpus/p.56)  a way of doing something or appearing that is considered usual and correct; custom: It is the/a ~ to wear black at funerals. By ~, the deputy chairman is always a woman. 
L27 sashes  L27 whereby  L32 civil courts of law  L32 judge  L33 robe  L33 courtroom  L34 administer justice  to manage or control the operation of something; govern:  L34 gavel [ˈɡæv·əl]  L34 rap to convene court and maintain order   rap - hit suddenly  convene - to bring together a group of people for a meeting, L36 commonwealth nations ->  L40 monarch  a nation’s king or queen -> monarchy  a country that has a king or queen  L41 cape  a sleeveless coat
L45 integral part of the ritual - a set of actions or words performed in a regular way, often as part of a religious ceremony  L47 veil  L47 bouquet of flowers [boʊˈkeɪ, bu-]
L50 constitute -> Corpus/p.63  ; comprise, form, crate, establish -> constitution   constituent [kənˈstɪtʃ·u·ənt]
L54 lucky penny  many people believe any penny you find is good luck.
-> Read aloud Line  => STT
Read & Write Unit 3  Writing #1
- Writing: Blog Write a paragraph in response to a question posted on an online forum/blog about politeness; I think that young students today are very rude. I’m one of the senior members of the school Judo club. How can I teach junior members to be polite?
=> Check the Senior Blog and Write by the end of Friday, Dec.21st.


Senior 1-Dec.17th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-1  Lis=> Speak,  Repeat by sentence=> Shadowing=> Speak
- #19  Report what the boy says in 2 sen. 1. The boy tells ~ that he 2. He says he will ~ and will be home                good luck with sth.
- #29  Report what the Capuchin is like in 2 sen. 1. The Capuchin is one of … 2. Capuchins use rocks to …, which other animals can’t do.    Capuchin monkey  <= Inhabits in Central America and South America

BW-Voca in Use Unit 32-Unit 2  VIU-2
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> Read the Sentences aloud. => STT <= Aim 100%!

BW-Review Unit 32  Unit 2
- G&C-2-> Ex-2.1 -> CD Repeat G&C-2=> STT

BW-Practice Unit 32  Unit 2
- G&C-3.2-> Ex-3.2=> Blog Speak in English => Write
2. I have to finish my homework by Monday. => I have to get my homework done by Monday.
3. I usually have my hair cut once a month. I had my hair cut six weeks ago. I need to have my hair cut this weekend.
Yes, you need to have your hair cut before Christmas.
4. My tablet isn’t working properly. I need to have it repaired ASAP. But it’ll take a week to have it repaired.

Cover to Cover Unit 11  Part 1: An Amazing Athlete        #3
-> Read w/CD => Read aloud Par.4 => STT
- Expanding Vocabulary: Idioms-take  take up swimming, take part in the competition (pr-2), take place every year (pr-3), take over her life, take out the trash (pr-4), take on a challenge (pr-5)
- Vocabulary stay in shape, set a world record-break the world record, share household chores, study for a degree
=>WS Task-2  インターネット無しに生活することがどんなことかほとんど想像出来ないよ。(pr-4)
I can hardly imagine what it’s like to live without the Internet.

=> Blog Dis What is the moral of the story? => Write a moral of the story in one sentence.
moral  to tell a message about how people should or should not behave, contained in a story, event, or experience:

The moral of the story is that if you want to succeed tomorrow, you have to start working today.


Senior 2-Dec.15th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2019-1 
Speak to Learn Unit 32  Unit 1
- G-Drive G&C-2-> Ex-2.1 -> Ex.2-2=> Blog Speak in English (=> Write )
Inside Reading-1  Unit 4  Reading 2  Symbolic Clothing #2
- Read aloud [Intro] => STT
- Read Par.2-8-> Reading Skill: Apply-3, 4, 5, 6 
- Read aloud [Last] => Identify the MI of the text.
=> Blog Write the main ideas of the article in three sentences. <=Model!
Try NOT to use the phrases from the text. Try to paraphrase (to state something written or spoken in different words) and use the word family of the words/expressions.
Read & Write Unit 3  Reading 2: Answers to all your Travel Questions #2
- Grammar A -> Tip for Success/p.58: Underline subjects and verbs in every sentence to check for S-V agreement.
- Grammar B: Circle the subject and underline the verb in each sentence=> Correct the errors in S-V agreement.
=> Identify the main idea and examples. Study how the examples support the main idea=> Pair
- Writing Skill: Supporting your main idea with examples. => Pair Explain
-> A. Study the response and identify the Main Idea and Examples to support it.
=> Writing Skill-B  Write examples to support the main idea and complete the paragraph.
TS Many people do not have good cell phone manners, and they are impolite when they use their phones.
CS If cell phone users were more thoughtful of others, they might be politer/more polite.


Senior 2-Dec.12th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-1  
Speak to Learn Unit 32 Unit 1   
- G-Drive G&C-1/p.105-> Ex-1 => Blog Speak in English => Write
Inside Reading-1 Unit 4  Reading 2  Symbolic Clothing #1
- Before Reading-1  => Pair Why do police officers wear uniforms?
- Skim: The title, subheadings=> column, photos,
-> Intro Par. 1st sentence of each Par, Last Par.
=> Reading Skill: Identify Examples-> Apply-1.-> 2.
              => Speak the main idea of the excerpt in one sentence.
Symbolic clothing like uniforms and special dresses could show the status or occasion of the society.
- Reading Comprehension: Underline/Mark the key words to look for.
-> Read  T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements.=> Pair Check the Answers
Read & Write Unit 3  Reading 2: Answers to all your Travel Questions #1
- Blog Review Writing 5-8 sentences:
Do you think that people are naturally polite? Or do they learn to be polite? Explain with examples.
- Vocabulary Skill-A/p.55: Prefixes - in, im, un-> Voc-B/p.56
=> Blog Write as many adjectives as you can think of using these prefixes.
=> Blog Dis What is the moral of the story? => Write a moral of the story in one sentence.
moral  to tell a message about how people should or should not behave, contained in a story, event, or experience:

The moral of the story is that if you want to succeed tomorrow, you have to start working today.


Senior 2-Dec.8th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2019-1  
Speak to Learn Unit 32  Unit 1
- G-Drive Reporting/p.104  Speak in Indirect Speech
Inside Reading-1  Unit 4  Reading 1  Who are you? #4
- Reading Skill: Identifying Examples  ~ signal examples
-> Blog Signal words (3,4,5): Signal words are specific words that you can use to transition between the different ideas in your paper clearly and organically => Examples by Type
-> Apply 1&2, 3, 4, 5
[Par. 4-6] L42 refer to  - to relate to or involve someone or something; relate: The town’s name refers to a nearby lake. - to mention or talk about sb/sth; mention - to look at something for information or help; look at  L44 via [ˌvɑɪ·ə, ˌvi·ə ]=> Corpus/p.54-> C.  L46 serve as  to help achieve sth, or to be useful as sth; do work: ~ as, ~s its putpose  L46 index  - an alphabetical list  - sth that shows how strong or common a condition or feeling is   L49 similarly  L49 earn a raise in salary  L56 principal [ˈprɪn·sə·pəl] (n) a person in charge of a school (adj) first in order of importance  L56 civil => Corpus/p.55 -> civilian (n) ~s  (adj) ~ control
L57 somewhat => Corpus/p.54  to some degree: I was ~ pleased/disappointed. NY is ~ similar to …  L59 sultan  a title of someone who rules or governs in some Muslim countries 
L60 convene => Corpus/p.56 -> conventional; ~ weapon. ~ method/approach
L61 style => Corpus/p.57 -> stylish  of a high quality in appearance, design, or behavior: ~ clothes/restaurant/person
[Par.7- ] L63 acquire ; obtain, earn, get, buy, gain, win -> acquisition  L63 inheritance <- L66 inherit  to receive money, a house, etc. from someone after they have died; succeed, receive, take over: ~ a house/property 
L64 analogous [əˈnæl·ə·ɡəs] <- analogy a comparison of the features or qualities of two different things to show their similarities; comparison, similarity, metaphor
L66 sheikh [US:ʃeɪk  UK:ʃiːk]  an Arab ruler or head of a group of people   L67 constitute  - to be or be considered as something: The latest defeat ~s a major setback   - to form or make something; comprise, form: Women ~ about 10% of Parliament.  L69 your highness-majesty, excellency,   L70 military  L70-71 authority is channel from  L71 chain of command 
- Vocabulary Activity A.=> STT
Read & Write Unit 3  Reading 2: Answers to all your Travel Questions #2
- Read w/Q-Classroom
- Study Words/Expressions:
- What do you think? B-2 Blog
Pair Do you think that people are naturally polite? Or do they learn to be polite? Explain with examples. =>Write 5-8 sentences in response.

Interest Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards => Speak which one is your favorite and why in 60 sec.


Senior 1-Dec.6th

Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2016-1  
BW-Voca in Use Unit 32-Unit 2  VIU-1
- CD Practice Pronunciation-> TTS Practice Reading-> Read the Sentences aloud.
BW-Review Unit 32  Unit 1
- G&C-3.3, 4=> Blog Write in English.
1. We stopped at a convenience store to buy drinks.  2. You should stop complaining all the time.
3. Remember to charge the battery.  4. I remember seeing him once.
5. I forgot to bring my smartphone.  6. I forgot telling him to come early.
7. I tried to open the door but couldn’t.  8. Why don’t you try exercising daily?

BW-Practice Unit 32  Unit 1
 Listen and Read aloud TTS, Intro, [Influ-, Epi-, Pand-]
Listen TTS [What you …] -> Read aloud-> Read aloud: Influenza is a ~ avoid infection #2 => STT
- KC
- Reporting: Speak in Indirect Speech-> Blog Write
Cover to Cover Unit 11  Part 1: A Lesson Learned   #3
->Read w/CD=> Pair Check the Answers -> Read aloud: Pr. 6-7 => STT
- Vocabulary in Context: residence, disabled, embarrassed, pretend, complain, valuable
- Vocabulary: apply for a job, argue-argument, residence-resident, disable-disability-disabled, embarrassed, pretended, show you around, be used to noun/-ing, value-valuable
WDT: If you had a two-month summer vacation, what would you do? Speak your answer in 60sec.
Interest  5 Reasons to sleep longer (3:31)  => Speak the five reasons in 60 sec.

=> Speak How long do you usually sleep? Do you think you need to sleep longer? Are you going to sleep longer?