
Senior 2-Apr.19th

1. Read & Write Unit 4 Positive Thinking   Reading-2: The Lost Horse
- Vocabulary: wise(adj) - wisdom(n) Dic
wise (able to make sensible decision/give good advice: prudent): ~ man, decision, choice, saying, ~ to 
clever (quick to understand, learn, apply ideas; intelligent): ~ child, student, at -ing
smart ( looking clean, intelligent; neat, intelligent): ~ move, boy, 
intelligent (good at learning, understanding, able to understand/learn): ~ child, question
bright (intelligent, quick to learn): ~ ideas
- Read-> Main Ideas, Details-A-> Details-B=> Pair
WDT -A 1. You might (bad event) => Pair You …=> I might …
2. You might (good event) => Pair You …=> I might …
Blog WDT -B 1. Write your opinion if the old man in Reading 2 is a positive thinker or not. 
2. Cover to Cover Unit 4  Crime  Part 1  Stupid Criminals
- Review Reading w/CD Pr.1, 3=> WS Task-1 1. Paragraph 1を日本語にしなさい
2. (Par. 3) At the time~ breaking into a school.  を日本語にしなさい
- portray (v) to make a likeness of by drawing, painting, carving, or the like
- mastermind  a person who originates or is primarily responsible for the execution of a particular project
- complex [ˈkɒm plɛks, (adj/v) or kəmˈplɛks] composed of many interconnected parts; a ~ highway system. 
characterized by a very complicated or involved arrangement of parts, units, etc.: ~ machinery.
- inconceivably stupid   Dic conceive  to form a plan in mind
-> conceivable  you can imagine or believe -> inconceivable  unimaginable, unthinkable 
2. ある貴金属店強盗が逮捕された時、その容疑者は自分はその事件が起きた最中他の違う場所にいたのだから、自分がその強盗犯であったはずがないと主張しました。そこで警察がその容疑者にどこにいたのかと訊ねると、彼はその晩全く違う地区にある学校に侵入していたことを認めました。
-> Vocabulary - prospect (n) probability, possibility -> prospective - eager - eagerly
- track down to find by tracking or pursuing - capture
- admit Dic  - to acknowledge; confess: He ~ted his guilt.
- to allow to enter; grant or afford entrance to: ~ a student to college. -> admission office
- to give right or means of entrance to: This ticket ~ s two people. -> admission
- grin - a great deal of
- intense extreme force, strength, degree, or amount: ~ heat hatred <-hate
- specific - prevent-prevention - inch (v) - demonstrate – demonstration - wanted for - conceive conceivable-inconceivable concept-conceptual - arm – disarm, armed robbery - put handcuffs on sb
- suspect (v) – suspected (a) suspect (n)
=> Shadow Reading Intro, Story of Canada, Belgium
2. Retell one of the stories in 90 seconds. 

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