Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2018-3
Speak to Learn Chapter 35 Unit 2
- G-Drive G&C-1/p.154=> Pair Ex-1.3/p.155
Inside Reading-1 Unit 7 Reading 1 The Fast-Food Revolution #2
- Reading Comprehension-A: Underline/Mark the key words to look for. Refer to the subheadings.
-> Read T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements. => Pair Check the Answers
- Reading Skill -> Apply Research the number of outlets and countries in the world on the web=> Pair
Read & Write Unit 5 Writing #2
- Blog Review writing: Which family style do you think is better or more suitable for your society, a nuclear family or extended family? Write your answer in five to eight sentences.
- Writing Skill: Using correct personal letter format
=> Write a personal letter to a friend you have not seen in a long time. Update what you and your family have been up to. Use Past-Present Perfect correctly. Make sure your letter uses the standard format.
- Heading
- Greeting and Introduction/Update : how long you haven’t met/talked/chatted
- Body-1: brief information/description about what you’re doing
- Body-2: about your family members and what they are doing.
- Closing
☆ Time line and tense; When we …, The last time we…, You remember what …, I’ve been busy/doing …, I still haven’t done … but I’m still working on it. These days/Recently, I’m …, I’m thinking about -ing, I’m going to …, I’ll be -ing, I hope that …
Interest China’s Lantern Festival
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