Eiken Lis-Pre 2nd 2015-2
- Pair Ask your partner about what he/she did during the holidays in indirect speech.
Tell me what/who/where/why/how you … during the holidays.
=> Let me tell you what .... I went to somewhere with my family. We ...
=> Report what your partner told you in indirect speech. Write four or more sentences in three minutes.
Winter Assignment
- Daily Practice Blog Daily Assignment Log-Sr.2-Dec.22 Read the English Comm Textbook and keep a log on the Blog. => No one logged. Log: to put information into a written record
- Blog Write the story line of a book you read or movie you watched during the holidays in 6-8 sentences, and what you liked about the book or movie in 3 to 4 sentences by Jan. 1st. ☆ Hajime, Aoi, Kaho did in time.
☆The storylines are well explained. Stay with the present tense. => Revise=> Present-Group Q&A
Inside Reading-1 Unit 5 Reading-1 What is success? #1
- Before Reading 3. Name some people you consider successful. Why?
- Preview: The title, subheadings, photos, chart, and the first sentence in the last par.
-> Study the chart/p.67
=> Speak what this article is about in one sentence.
This article describes the definitions of success and the factors that make someone successful.
- Reading Comprehension-A: Underline/Mark the key words to look for. Refer to the subheadings.
-> Read T/F, Mark the line #, Correct false statements. => Pair Check the Answers
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