
Senior 3-Jun.23rd

Kikutan Day 35 #1
Eiken Lis 2017-2  Lis
Inside Reading  Unit 8  Reading- 2  A Bold Thief
- Vocabulary Activities
display  (v) to arrange something or a collection of things so that it can be seen by the public; show, present : The photos were displayed on the wall  - to show a feeling  (n); exhibit, presentation -> A.
remove-removal-> B.  
commit -committed  - to promise to give yourself, your money, your time to support sth; deliver, promise   
- to do something illegal or considered wrong; act, carry out, execute: ~ a crime/suicide 
commitment; assurance, promise, guarantee, obligation, responsibility -> C
secure (adj), (v) -security (n)-> D. 
Interest Blog Could an emoji save your life?
=> Speak Do you think if someday the emoji will become the leading universal communication tool over languages.    

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