
Lesson Report Junior-3 October 30th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
Please check what you learned and practiced during the lesson.

Show and Tell   Video Saki => Ayami => Kanata => Aika => Yuina => Risa => Yuki => Satsuki => Yuma => Shiho => Momoka
è Next time on, Youtube the video or send the script via Edmodo.
è *Keep the script in Google Drive

Lesson Review Dictation -> Review Japanese to English.  
Halloween is around the corner and they are going to get a pumpkin for their classroom. Everyone in the class is excited to go to a pumpkin patch. It’s been a while since they last came there. They wanted to get the biggest one, but they decide to pick a good shape one that should be perfect for their class.
Bridge Work-3
Small Talk
What are you going to talk about?
C32 U2  Writing   
Ask and answer in two min. each. -> Report to another partner.
è Write what you told to your partner in Google Document
è Copy this at the end of the lesson in Edmodo. 

Bridge Work-3
C32 U2 Grammar in Use (#3)  
(p. 110) Practice reading the fourth and fifth paragraphs. => Work in pairs to understand the text.

Halloween fun
Monster madness in pairs

Chinese whisper


Lesson Report Senior-1 October 28th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
Please check what you learned and practiced during the lesson.

Small Talk 
How often do you leave your room messy?
Ask and answer in two min. each. -> Report to another partner.
è Write what you told to your partner in Google Document
è Copy this at the end of the lesson in Edmodo. 

Show and Tell  Live Aoi => Yui => Ayana => Kanta => Chihiro => Hajime => Sorai => Saya => Mao => Takuto => Mana => Mei   
Next time on, Youtube the video or send the script via Edmodo.
è *Keep the script in Google Drive

Lesson Review Dictation -> Review Japanese to English.  
Pa and Jose are talking in the hall at school. When Jose asks if she is still practicing the qeej, she says she is starting a band. They are planning to play their own song on CPHS. Sarah and Tsutomu are visiting the Mall of America, which they went to in summer. They run into Amber, who is writing her own manga there.
Bridge Work-3
C32 U2 Grammar in Use (#2)  
(p. 110) Practice reading the second and third paragraphs. => Work in pairs to understand the text.
=> Watch a video

基礎英語3 10月号 8:30-8:55
Repeating battle Lessons 91 and 92
Lesson 93
Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story => Answer the questions about the story What do they need for their classroom? Who is going to get a pumpkin? Where/Where are they going?
=> Read along the CD.  Practice:
Lesson 94 Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story =>
Did they choose the biggest pumpkin? What are they going to do after they pick their pumpkin?
Recap    Dictation => Next time Japanese to English
Halloween is around the corner and they are going to get a pumpkin for their classroom. Everyone in the class is excited to go to a pumpkin patch. It’s been a while since they last came there. They wanted to get the biggest one, but they decide to pick a good shape one that should be perfect for their class.

Halloween fun
Monster madness in pairs

Chinese whisper


Lesson Report Junior-3 October 26th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
Please check what you learned and practiced during the lesson.

Small Talk 
How often do you leave your room messy?
Ask and answer in two min. each. -> Report to another partner.
è Write what you told to your partner in Google Document
è Copy this at the end of the lesson in Edmodo. 

Show and Tell   Video Saki => Ayami => Kanata => Aika => Yuina => Risa => Yuki => Satsuki => Yuma => Shiho => Momoka
è Next time on, Youtube the video or send the script via Edmodo.
è *Keep the script in Google Drive

Lesson Review Dictation -> Review Japanese to English.  
Pa and Jose are talking in the hall at school. When Jose asks if she is still practicing the qeej, she says she is starting a band. They are planning to play their own song on CPHS. Sarah and Tsutomu are visiting the Mall of America, which they went to in summer. They run into Amber, who is writing her own manga there.
Bridge Work-3
C32 U2 Grammar in Use (#2)  
(p. 110) Practice reading the second and third paragraphs. => Work in pairs to understand the text.
=> Watch a video

C32 U2 Key Communication   
(p. 111) Write the sentences by themselves. => Check the answers.
C32 U2  Writing   
(p. 111) Preparation for the next small talk: What are you going to write about?

Bridge Work-3
C33 U1 Grammar and Communication-1  Indirect speech
Check the example
Do #1 in pairs
基礎英語3 10月号 
Repeating battle Lessons 91 and 92
Lesson 93
Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story => Answer the questions about the story What do they need for their classroom? Who is going to get a pumpkin? Where/Where are they going?
=> Read along the CD.  Practice:
=> Watch a video “Pumpkin patch”

Lesson 94 Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story =>
Did they choose the biggest pumpkin? What are they going to do after they pick their pumpkin?
Recap    Dictation => Next time Japanese to English
Halloween is around the corner and they are going to get a pumpkin for their classroom. Everyone in the class is excited to go to a pumpkin patch. It’s been a while since they last came there. They wanted to get the biggest one, but they decide to pick a good shape one that should be perfect for their class.

Lesson Report Senior-1 October 25th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
Please check what you learned and practiced during the lesson.

Small Talk 
Do you usually keep your room clean?
Ask and answer in two min. each. -> Report to another partner.
è Write what you told to your partner in Google Document
è Copy this at the end of the lesson in Edmodo. 

Show and Tell  Live Aoi => Yui => Ayana => Kanta => Chihiro => Hajime => Sorai => Saya => Mao => Takuto => Mana => Mei   
Next time on, Youtube the video or send the script via Edmodo.

è *Keep the script in Google Drive

Lesson Review Dictation -> Review Japanese to English.  
Monica visits the college she graduated from to see a play. They perform every fall, which is the biggest event of the year. One of Monica’s old friends, Cathy teaches there. Monica and Cathy are having dinner after the play. They used to write their own plays together. Monica tells Cathy she is thinking of coming back into acting, which is surprising to Cathy.
Bridge Work-3
C32 U2 Grammar and Communication-3 
(p. 108) Practice reading the sentences. => Repeating in pairs.
Exercise-3 #1 Demonstrate the conversation. -> Activity Pair work
#2 Do individually => Check the answers
C32 U2 VIU-1 & 2   
(p. 109) Review the vocabulary => Quiz each other => Practice on TTS

Bridge Work-
C32 U2 Grammar in Use  A man lives in a white house
Watch a video => read the first paragraph

基礎英語3 9月号 
Repeating battle Lessons 89 and 90
Lesson 91
Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story => Answer the questions about the story What is Pa starting?
=> Read along the CD.  Practice: Practice explaining what Pa said to Jose.
Lesson 92 Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story =>
What is Amber doing in the Mall of America?  What is Amber’s manga about?
Practice: Explain the picture on the page using present participle
Recap    Dictation => Next time Japanese to English
Pa and Jose are talking in the hall at school. When Jose asks if she is still practicing the qeej, she says she is starting a band. They are planning to play their own song on CPHS. Sarah and Tsutomu are visiting the Mall of America, which they went to in summer. They run into Amber, who is writing her own manga there.


Lesson Report Junior-3 October 23rd

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
Please check what you learned and practiced during the lesson.

Small Talk 
Do you usually keep your room clean?
Ask and answer in two min. each. -> Report to another partner.
è Write what you told to your partner in Google Document
è Copy this at the end of the lesson in Edmodo. 
Show and Tell   Video Saki => Ayami => Kanata => Aika => Yuina => Risa => Yuki => Satsuki => Yuma => Shiho => Momoka
è Next time on, Youtube the video or send the script via Edmodo.
è *Keep the script in Google Drive

Lesson Review Dictation -> Review Japanese to English.  
Monica visits the college she graduated from to see a play. They perform every fall, which is the biggest event of the year. One of Monica’s old friends, Cathy teaches there. Monica and Cathy are having dinner after the play. They used to write their own plays together. Monica tells Cathy she is thinking of coming back into acting, which is surprising to Cathy.
Bridge Work-3
C32 U2 Grammar and Communication-3 
(p. 108) Practice reading the sentences. => Repeating in pairs.
Exercise-3 #1 Demonstrate the conversation. -> Activity Pair work
#2 Do individually => Check the answers
C32 U2 VIU-2   
(p. 109) Review the vocabulary => Quiz each other => Practice on TTS

Bridge Work-
C32 U2 Grammar in Use  A man lives in a white house
Watch a video => read the first paragraph

基礎英語3 9月号 
Repeating battle Lessons 89 and 90
Lesson 91
Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story => Answer the questions about the story What is Pa starting?
=> Read along the CD.  Practice: Practice explaining what Pa said to Jose.
Lesson 92 Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story =>
What is Amber doing in the Mall of America?  What is Amber’s manga about?
Practice: Explain the picture on the page using present participle
Recap    Dictation => Next time Japanese to English

Pa and Jose are talking in the hall at school. When Jose asks if she is still practicing the qeej, she says she is starting a band. They are planning to play their own song on CPHS. Sarah and Tsutomu are visiting the Mall of America, which they went to in summer. They run into Amber, who is writing her own manga there.


Lesson Report Senior-1 October 21st

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
Please check what you learned and practiced during the lesson.

Small Talk 
What is the most exciting thing to you?
Ask and answer in two min. each. -> Report to another partner.
è Write what you told to your partner in Google Document
è Copy this at the end of the lesson in Edmodo. 

Show and Tell  Live Aoi => Yui => Ayana => Kanta => Chihiro => Hajime => Sorai => Saya => Mao => Takuto => Mana => Mei   
Next time on, Youtube the video or send the script via Edmodo.
è *Keep the script in Google Drive

Lesson Review Dictation -> Review Japanese to English.  
When Amiir gets home, he tells his parents about surprising news. Amiir’s father doesn’t let him perform first. Finally, he allows Amiir to perform once a month. Monzong brings Jose to a baseball stadium. Joe is a famous player who Monzong played with in high school. Jose is very amazed.
Bridge Work-3
C32 U2 Grammar and Communication-2  make/find/keep/leave  
(p. 107) Practice reading the sentences. => Repeating in pairs.
Exercise-2 #1 Make the sentences orally in class. -> Write the answers.
#2 Demonstrate the questions and answers. => Activity Have a good conversation in one min.
C32 U2 VIU-2  
(p. 109) Review the vocabulary => Quiz each other => Practice reading in class

Bridge Work-3
Special lesson C38 #3  (p. 203) Preposition and conjunction

Video 10 most difficult words to pronounce

基礎英語3 10月号 
Repeating battle Lessons 87 and 88
Lesson 89
Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story => Answer the questions about the story When did they see last?  What does Cathy do? What are they going to do?
=> Read along the CD.  Practice: Play the conversation looking at Japanese. Work in groups of three or four and help each other. 
Lesson 90 Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story =>
Who is another friend of Monica from college? What did they do together? What does Beth do? What does Monica want to do with her old friends?
Practice: How’s everything going these days?  I’m doing great but I’m … => You seem to be busy/tired/happy
Recap    Dictation => Next time Japanese to English

Monica visits the college she graduated from to see a play. They perform every fall, which is the biggest event of the year. One of Monica’s old friends, Cathy teaches there. Monica and Cathy are having dinner after the play. They used to write their own plays together. Monica tells Cathy she is thinking of coming back into acting, which is surprising to Cathy.


Senior 2-Oct.21st

Kikutan Day 4 #1  WS-4/4
Inside Reading Unit 1  Reading- 2  Brain Mapping Today
- Read aloud by Paragraph-> Check the understanding
[L9] cell  [L12] describe to tell in written or spoken words -description  [L13] scan  [L19] radio waves  [L38] active-act-activity  [L56] measurement-measure  [L57] averaged; calculate, compute, survey, weigh, 
[L68] operate-operation ->operative procedure; surgery [L65] examine; analyze, test, check, inspect, study 
- Vocabulary Activities-Word Level A
suggest sb that inf
dyslexia [dɪsˈlɛk si ə] a developmental disorder which can cause learning difficulty in one or more of the areas of reading, writing, and numeracy
disorder  a lack of order; disarray; confusion
Read & Write Unit 1 Reading 1: The Popularity of Social Network #1
- Review Reading/Shadowing w/Q-Skills
- Review Writing: What do you think?-2 #2  Write your answer in four to six sentences
Do you think that social networking sites are a good way to communicate with friends?
Topic of the Day SNS Activity by Group on Sr Blog


Lesson Report Junior-3 October 19th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
Please check what you learned and practiced during the lesson.

Small Talk 
What is the most exciting thing to you?
Ask and answer in two min. each. -> Report to another partner.
è Write what you told to your partner in Google Document
è Copy this at the end of the lesson in Edmodo. 

Show and Tell   Video Saki => Ayami => Kanata => Aika => Yuina => Risa => Yuki => Satsuki => Yuma => Shiho => Momoka
è Next time on, Youtube the video or send the script via Edmodo.
è *Keep the script in Google Drive

Lesson Review Dictation -> Review Japanese to English
When Amiir gets home, he tells his parents about surprising news. Amiir’s father doesn’t let him perform first. Finally, he allows Amiir to perform once a month. Monzong brings Jose to a baseball stadium. Joe is a famous player who Monzong played with in high school. Jose is very amazed.
Bridge Work-3
C32 U2 Grammar and Communication-2  make/find/keep/leave 
(p. 107) Practice reading the sentences. => Repeating in pairs.
Exercise-2 #1 Make the sentences orally in class. -> Write the answers.
#2 Demonstrate the questions and answers. => Activity Have a good conversation in one min.
C32 U2 VIU-2  
(p. 109) Review the vocabulary => Quiz each other => Practice reading in class

Bridge Work-3
Special lesson C38 #3  (p. 203) Preposition and conjunction

基礎英語3 9月号 
Repeating battle Lessons 87 and 88
Lesson 89
Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story => Answer the questions about the story When did they see last?  What does Cathy do? What are they going to do?
=> Read along the CD.  Practice: Play the conversation looking at Japanese. Work in groups of three or four and help each other.  
Lesson 90 Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story =>
Who is another friend of Monica from college? What did they do together? What does Beth do? What does Monica want to do with her old friends?

Recap    Dictation => Next time Japanese to English
Monica visits the college she graduated from to see a play. They perform every fall, which is the biggest event of the year. One of Monica’s old friends, Cathy teaches there. Monica and Cathy are having dinner after the play. They used to write their own play together. Monica tells Cathy she is thinking of coming back into acting, which is surprising to Cathy. 


Lesson Report Senior-1 October 18th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
Please check what you learned and practiced during the lesson.

Small Talk 
Do you mind helping your friends with their homework?
Ask and answer in two min. each. -> Report to another partner.
=> Write what you told to your partner in Google Document
=> Copy this at the end of the lesson in Edmodo. 

Show and Tell  Live Aoi => Yui => Ayana => Kanta => Chihiro => Hajime => Sorai => Saya => Mao => Takuto => Mana => Mei   
Next time on, Youtube the video or send the script via Edmodo.
è *Keep the script in Google Drive

Lesson Review Dictation -> Review Japanese to English.  
Jose hasn’t heard anything about his baseball scholarship application yet. He is worried about the result, and decides to call Monzong. He tries to cheer Jose up and they are going somewhere together. At a clothing shop, Amiir meets Roger. He says the crowd liked Amiir a lot, and he is going to give him 10 minutes next time. Amiir was told not to perform again, but it is too good to say no to.

Bridge Work-3
C32 U2 Grammar and Communication-1 #2  
Review #1-4 Repeating
 (p. 106) Do #5- 8 Check the words => Quiz each other => Complete the sentences
C32 U2 VIU-1 
(p. 109) Review the vocabulary => Quiz each other => Complete the sentences => Practice reading in class => Practice on TTS

Bridge Work-3
Special lesson C38 #2  (p. 203) Auxiliary verb, Adjective, and Adverb

基礎英語3 9月号 
Repeating battle Lessons 85 and 86
Lesson 87
Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story => Answer the questions about the story Who did Amiir run into roday? When does the owner want Amiir perform? How often can Amiir perform comedy?
=> Read along the CD.  Practice: I have something to tell you. –What is it? My mom told me not to … but I want to … What do you think?
Lesson 88 Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story =>
What does Joe do? How do Monzong and Joe know each other? Did Monzong see Joe recently? What’s important to succeed in life?
Practice: Grammar point
Recap    Dictation => Next time Japanese to English
When Amiir gets home, he tells his parents about surprising news. Amiir’s father doesn’t let him perform first. Finally, he allows Amiir to perform once a month. Monzong brings Jose to a baseball stadium. Joe is a famous player who Monzong played with in high school. Jose is very amazed.

Senior 2-Oct.18th

Kikutan Day 3 #2 
Inside Reading Unit 1  Reading- 2  Brain Mapping Today
- Word Corpus
link [L3] -> C
behavior [L3] -> D
wonder [L3] => E. Speak a sentence using “wonder” if/wh-
create [L20] -> creator, creation, creative, creativity
-> Read-2 => Pair Check the Answers
Read & Write Unit 1 Trend: Why does something become popular?
- Words/Expressions Read aloud Par.3,4-> stay connected, allow people to do, share photos/interests, post a link/video, comment on
interactive <interact  to act on or in close relation with each other; communicate, connect-> interaction, 
- Read aloud Par.5-> contribute  to give (support, money) for a common purpose or fund, to supply (ideas, opinions) as part of a debate or discussion; give, devote, donate, provide grant - contribution  express-expression
=> Q-classroom Read w/Audio: Par.1-2=> Shadowing Par.3-5-> Read w/Audio: Par.6
=> What do you think?-2 #2  Blog Write your answer in four to six sentences
Do you think that social networking sites are a good way to communicate with friends?


Lesson Report Junior-3 October 16th

Hello class! This is Towako from MEL School.
Please check what you learned and practiced during the lesson.

Small Talk 
Do you mind helping your friends with their homework?
Ask and answer in two min. each. -> Report to another partner.
è Write what you told to your partner in Google Document
è Copy this at the end of the lesson in Edmodo. 

Show and Tell   Video Saki => Ayami => Kanata => Aika => Yuina => Risa => Yuki => Satsuki => Yuma => Shiho => Momoka
è Next time on, Youtube the video or send the script via Edmodo.
è *Keep the script in Google Drive

Lesson Review Dictation -> Review Japanese to English.  
Jose hasn’t heard anything about his baseball scholarship application yet. He is worried about the result, and decides to call Monzong. He tries to cheer Jose up and they are going somewhere together. At a clothing shop, Amiir meets Roger. He says the crowd liked Amiir a lot, and he is going to give him 10 minutes next time. Amiir was told not to perform again, but it is too good to say no to.
Bridge Work-3
C32 U2 Grammar and Communication-1 #2  
Review #1-4 Repeating
 (p. 106) Do #5- 8 Check the words => Quiz each other => Complete the sentences
C32 U2 VIU-1   
(p. 109) Review the vocabulary => Quiz each other => Practice reading in class => Practice on TTS

Bridge Work-3
Special lesson C38 #2  (p. 203) Nouns and verbs

基礎英語3 9月号 
Repeating battle Lessons 85 and 86
Lesson 87
Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story => Answer the questions about the story Who did Amiir run into roday? When does the owner want Amiir perform? How often can Amiir perform comedy?
=> Read along the CD.  Practice: I have something to tell you. –What is it? My mom told me not to … but I want to … What do you think?
Lesson 88 Talk about the story looking at the picture. => Listen to the story =>
What does Joe do? How do Monzong and Joe know each other? Did Monzong see Joe recently? What’s important to succeed in life?
Practice: Grammar point
Recap    Dictation => Next time Japanese to English
When Amiir gets home, he tells his parents about surprising news. Amiir’s father doesn’t let him perform first. Finally, he allows Amiir to perform once a month. Monzong brings Jose to a baseball stadium. Joe is a famous player who Monzong played with in high school. Jose is very amazed.