- Blog Review the Summary
Reading-2 Can We Trust Our Fears?
- Vocabulary: contain, pleasure<- Dic please to give satisfaction, pleasure, or contentment to sb; make or cause sb to be glad; amuse, gratify, satisfy, entertain: ~ the public. -> pleasing, pleased, pleasant [plɛz ənt]
- Listen to Q-classroom=> MI, Details-A
- Read-> Check MI, Detail A, Answer B: Mark the Facts and Opinions (think, believe, worry)
Cover to Cover Unit 12 The Arts Part 1 A Worldwide Phenomenon
- Read w/CD
- Vocabulary (par.1) - glimpse a very brief, passing look, sight, or view
- flock (v) to gather together (n) a group of animals of one kind (sheep/birds), a large number of people; crowd
(par.3) fascination-fascinate to attract and delight by arousing interest or curiosity: entice, please, tempt
(par.5) immense huge, gigantic, extensive - dynasty - spark trigger, set off, stimulate
(par.6) stability-stable constant, solid, steady (par.7) plot story line, scenario, plan, design
- What’s your Opinion? => Pair
1. Which foreign culture or lifestyle are you most interested in?
5. What aspects of your culture or lifestyle do you think foreigners might be interested in?
Tactics for Listening Unit 21 Hotels
Getting Ready
Listening-1 Listen and take memos to describe the conversations during the check-in in indirect speech. Use the guest was asked to do ~.
Interest of the Day: Hotel Reservation/Check in/Check out
Listening-3 Listen and take memos to explain what the guest’s room is like, the guest likes and doesn’t like about his/her room. => Pair A: 1/3 B: 2/4
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