
Senior 2-Aug.19th

1. Talk about the Summer Vacation
2. Cover to Cover Unit 11  Luck   Part 1 Creating Your Own Luck
- Before Reading: When do you feel lucky? Why?
- Comprehension Strategy: Recognize Author’s Purpose by Skimming
-> Skim the Text=> Task-A
- Read=> Checking Comprehension – A. Note which paragraph the answers were found
- Read w/CD-> Check the Answers-> Read aloud: Par.2, 3, and 4-> Checking Comprehension – B
- Vocabulary in Context  1. fate-fatal;~ accident/blow/disease
6. intuition  knowledge/belief obtained neither by reason nor by perception, instinctive knowledge/belief; insight, instinct, ->intuit (v)  to know or discover by intuition
=> Pair What’s your Opinion-2   How lucky do you think you are?
3. Interest of the Day St. Petersburg-Travel Guide 
4. Tactics for Listening Unit 17 Fears
Getting Ready-> Are you afraid of any of the things in the list?  <= add; darkness, graveyard, octopus
Listening-2  Take memos to describe what each speaker used/didn’t use to be like, what occasion 
Talk of something you used to be afraid of and what changed the perception. => Q&A

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