How are you doing?
It's Saturday, November 12, 2016.
It's sunny and beautiful today.
Who is the person you usually talk to when you feel disappointed?
Who is the person you wants to tell about happy things?
By the way, would you like to live 1000 years?
If you had that long life, what would you do?
Unfortunately, we didn't have any speakers yesterday.
The next speaker is Daishu.
Get ready for your speech!
< Lesson review>
Small talk: Can you tell me what your school excursion was like?
Deep listening Lesson 10
Bridge Work
Vocabulary in Use #2 身体の障害などに関することば
34 Unit 2 pages 139-140
and Communication-1 Present and past participles
Exercise-1 #1 and 2
and Communication-2 Relative pronouns
with prepositions
#1, 2, and 3
Cover to Cover
Unit 6 Age
Part 2 A Cure for Aging?
Fluency Strategy: Recognizing Signal Words
Checking Fluency and Comprehension
Part 2 A Cure for Aging?
Fluency Strategy: Recognizing Signal Words
Checking Fluency and Comprehension
Have a great week!
See you on Wednesday!
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